As of September 2023, Penn Medicine’s official employee newsletter in print is Inside Penn Medicine. Many of our employee newsletter stories are now published throughout each month on the Penn Medicine News Blog. Older stories are available to browse in these archives.

Margaret “Maggie” Erdman, MMS, PA-C, Katlin “Katie” Dlugosz, MMS, PA-C, and Lisa George, MS, stand with a poster that describes the HUP–Cedar surgical access initiative.

Making Surgical Care Easy and Equitable at HUP–Cedar

The HUP–Cedar surgical access team is making sure patients get the surgical care they need, even without surgeons on site.

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  • Hupdate34

    Respectful Mindfulness = Medication Safety

    May 30, 2018
    Anyone with children knows about interruptions – in the middle of cooking, in the middle of talking on the phone … pretty much any time. While sometimes annoying, these interruptions rarely result in anything serious.
  • Take your child to work

    Kids at “Work” Learn and Have Fun!

    May 30, 2018
    HUP’s Bring Your Children to Work Day was total success! Nearly 750 kids came to learn more about the inner workings of a hospital and to have fun. Missions accomplished!
  • Scan

    Helping with Scanxiety

    May 30, 2018
    Scans are used at every step of the cancer care process – to diagnose, to track effectiveness of treatment, and to determine if cancer remains in remission. But living from scan to scan can be filled with anxiety.
  • Match33

    HUP’s Be the Match Celebrates Patients, Donors and Staff

    May 30, 2018
    Walking alone (or with a little help from their “friends”), they do laps around the unit with their families and staff to celebrate their marrow donors, their medical teams, and to help raise awareness of the need for people to add their names to the Be The Match Registry, which is part of the National Marrow Donor Program.
  • 8

    Super Bowl Efforts for Patient Safety

    April 27, 2018
    Still high from the Eagles’ Super Bowl win, HUP and CPUP staff joined forces for the annual Patient Safety Fair to create their own “Safety Super Bowl” to illustrate the many ways we are keeping patients, families and staff safe.
  • Quick

    Quick Thinking Saves a Life

    April 27, 2018
    Saving a person’s life was the last thing on Erin McCormick’s mind as she sat in a movie theater with her mom. Yet, not 15 minutes into the film, she found herself doing just that.
  • 2

    Making Exercise Fun

    April 27, 2018
    According to the Centers for Disease Control, nearly 20 percent of school age children and young people (6 to 19 years) in this country are obese. And the majority will grow up to be obese adults. For the past 10 years, Rachel Bastian, administrative director for Education at the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, has been doing her part to change those statistics, one group of kids at a time, at Camp ENERGY.
  • 1

    Don’t Give Up

    April 27, 2018
    After Mark Dillon, BSN, of HUP’s Cardiac Care Unit on Founders 8, was in an accident that resulted in a loss of one of his legs, Shannon Camps, an Employee Relations & Retention specialist in Human Resources, did everything she could to help. But then she took it one step further.
  • Bike

    Support the Million Dollar Ride

    April 27, 2018
    The Penn Medicine Orphan Disease Center (ODC) will host the 5th Annual Million Dollar Bike Ride on Sunday, May 20, to raise money for rare disease research.
  • Thank you

    Heartfelt Thanks

    April 27, 2018
    “I [recently] reached the one-year mark of my double lung transplant. It’s hard for me to express in words or in a letter the depths of my overwhelming gratitude to the wonderful staff at the University of Pennsylvania and Perelman Center..."
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