
From renovations at Pennsylvania Hospital, to Chester County Hospital’s expansion, to the topping off of the Pavilion, innovative building projects are in progress across the health system — and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center is no exception.

PPMC is proud to continue making significant investments that allow us to better support our patients and staff and expand our services. Hopefully, you have had the chance to explore our new Wellness Garden, which was completed earlier this summer and offers a place to relax and recharge. You have likely also noticed that the construction of our new Radiation-Oncology suite is well underway. This state-of-the-art building will include a linear accelerator, joining our existing infusion services to create a comprehensive, convenient hub for our cancer patients. The second floor will also include four additional operating rooms. We anticipate that the construction will be completed by February 2020, with occupancy soon to follow.

Other changes on the horizon include relocating the observation unit to a pre-fabricated structure, moving the pre/post-cardiac cath unit to the original observation space, then renovating the newly empty space and adding 12 beds. We have also acquired a new location at 4040 Market Street with plans to transfer the outpatient behavioral health unit there by the end of this year.

But this is just the beginning. Throughout the summer, PPMC’s campus master planning group will be identifying short-term opportunities for improvement, working with architects to determine long-term building plans and cost estimates, and considering ways to create patient-centered building adjacencies. Later this month, an interdisciplinary “vision” group will begin reimagining PPMC’s campus, sketching out plans to expand our services, and investigating how we can better interface with the community.

Renovation, construction, and expansion take time, but PPMC is actively working to fulfill the needs of today’s patients, while anticipating the needs of patients we’ll serve in a decade. As our campus continues to evolve, I look forward to sharing additional updates with you. Thank you for your patience and dedication as we make PPMC the best it can be.

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