As of September 2023, Penn Medicine’s official employee newsletter in print is Inside Penn Medicine. Many of our employee newsletter stories are now published throughout each month on the Penn Medicine News Blog. Older stories are available to browse in these archives.

Head shots of a male and female doctor wearing white lab coats

For Suspected Cancers: An Easier Path to Diagnosis and Care

New initiatives led by Penn’s oncology nurse navigators – including a new diagnostic clinic at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center – are helping patients get the care they need.

RSS Feed

  • Volunteer body

    Remembering a Remarkable Volunteer

    August 01, 2019
    Every week day for nearly two years, LaGina Rene Bines made it her mission to create a welcoming and comforting environment at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. Bines, who passed away earlier this summer, was the smiling face that warmly greeted patients and visitors, and the encouraging team player who started the day by wishing staff a good morning and ended her shift with hugs and high-fives.
  • wellness

    PPMC Plants Seeds of Self-Care and Wellness

    August 01, 2019
    Located between the Atwood Café and Scheie, the new Wellness Garden is the beautiful result of a collaborative development process. The creation of the garden specifically took into account the needs of the patients in the Wright-Saunders 4 inpatient substance use program.
  • ppmc get with the guidelines 2019

    PPMC Honored for Rapid Stroke Response

    August 01, 2019
    PPMC is proud to have once again earned the Get with the Guidelines® Stroke Gold Plus award from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, as well as “Elite” status on the Target: Stroke Honor Roll.
  • presby 2019 nurses week

    Shining a Spotlight on PPMC’s Spectacular Nursing Staff

    June 28, 2019
    At Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Nurses Week honored the invaluable work of the hospital’s 850 compassionate clinical nurses who advocate for patients, support caregivers, mentor colleagues, and play an essential role in creating healthier communities.
  • our shining stars

    Our Shining STARs

    June 28, 2019
    Every month, PPMC staff members who embody Service, Teamwork, Achievement, and Respect, are named Presby STARs. In addition to earning recognition from their colleagues, these outstanding all-stars also receive a certificate from CEO Michele Volpe and a $100 award.
  • ppmc summer celebration 2019

    PPMC Says Hello to Summer & Farewell to a Visionary Leader

    June 28, 2019
    Though thunderstorms kept Presby’s staff indoors, no amount of rain could ruin last month’s 4th Annual PPMC Summer Celebration.
  • Borders

    When the Impact of a Team-Building Exercise Crosses Borders

    June 28, 2019
    What started as an idea for a team bonding experience quickly turned into a powerful experience for five nurses from PPMC’s Cupp 4 South unit, as well as one OR nurse from HUP.
  • Task Force

    How Presby’s Security Task Force Is Keeping You Safe

    June 28, 2019
    For nearly a year, PPMC’s interdisciplinary security task force has been working hard to ensure every patient, visitor, and staff member feels safe and comfortable at Presby from the moment they arrive on campus.
  • Art

    Meet the Volunteer Who’s Making PPMC More Compassionate and Colorful, One Canvas at a Time

    June 06, 2019
    Whether she’s sharing her megawatt smile with overwhelmed patients or her calming spirit with stressed visitors, Sophia Otasowie loves sharing her talents, interests, and time with others.
  • Vantage

    Vantage Point: Alyson Cole, Associate Executive Director and Chief Experience Officer

    June 06, 2019
    The practice of self-care is essential to maintain balance in our lives, especially during periods of stress. It’s important to find a space away from your work environment where you can focus on your mental, emotional, and physical health, even for just 15 minutes.
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