Past Photos

The response to Princeton Health’s invitation to post photos on its Facebook page of babies born at PMC over the years was tremendous. As of last month, a total of nearly 135 photos were submitted, spanning more than 60 years! The oldest — a photo submitted by Maria B. and dated 4/14/46 — noted that “All of my four children were born at Princeton Hospital and two of my grandchildren.”

Most of the photos were posted by parents, but some adults posted their own baby photos as well. For example, Mark P. submitted a sepia-toned photo with the message: “This is my first day — June 16 or 17, 1961.”

Krista D., who submitted her baby photo from 1968, has two lifelong friends who were in the hospital at the same time — one born the same day as Krista, October 9, and the other on October 8. A third friend was born October 4 of that year. All four went to high school together and remain in touch.

Patrice C. submitted a photo of herself and her daughter, Angelica. The photo was taken shortly after Angelica was delivered on January 12, 2016. “I have no words to describe the amount of joy I feel in this picture,” the first-time mother wrote.

A posting by Erica M. closed the chapter on the Witherspoon location, showing her son Hayden, one of the last babies born at the old hospital, on May 21, 2012. (The new hospital in Plainsboro opened the following day.)

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