Women Leaders

The positive impact of nurses at the bedside often goes far beyond their clinical skills. Indeed, it is often their compassion that leaves a lasting impression. At this year’s induction ceremony for Penn Medicine’s Distinguished Nurse Clinician Academy, CEO Kevin Mahoney shared a story about the impact of a nurse’s kindness in his own life, during the last moments of his brother’s life. As he and his family waited in his brother’s hospital room at Chester County Hospital, a nurse by Mahoney’s side talked quietly with him. “It was so meaningful to have someone I could lean on, at a time I knew was coming,” he said.

Noting that the World Health Organization named 2020 the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, Mahoney told those attending the celebration, “Every one of you who chose this profession: it makes a difference. I’m your biggest fan.”

Those inducted into the Academy “consistently demonstrate superb clinical knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors and are willing to pursue new knowledge,” said Juliane Jablonski, DNP, RN, Clinical Care Systems strategist. Equally important, “even in the most challenging times, they always serve with compassion and empathy.”

The Academy inducted nine new members this year, chosen from throughout the Health System and from all practice settings. This brings total membership to 41. One is Noreen Guido, MSN, of Penn Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine. In her nomination, colleagues comment on her “compassion, empathy, and willingness to accompany families though moments of profound grief and loss.” At a statewide conference, one family member of a patient spoke of the care Guido provided to their loved one. “I am so grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to touch lives in such an impactful way,” Guido said. “I will never take for granted the trust given to me by my patients and their loved ones.”

To help anxious parents of preemies, Kim Johnson, MSN, of the neonatal ICU in Chester County Hospital, developed a welcome video that not only reassures parents of the excellent care their baby is receiving but also empowers and educates them to participate in their baby’s care through holding, bathing and staying with their baby. She also helped create a discharge teaching tool to bolster the parent’s care practices priori to taking the baby home.

All nominations to the Academy come from colleagues, those who know the nominees best. Mahoney called this type of recognition “the most important one.”

In addition to Guido and Johnson, this year’s inductees also include

  • Karen Leary, MSN, of Radiation Oncology in CPUP
  • Mary Campbell, BSN, MICU at HUP
  • Lisa Wajda, BSN, SICU at HUP
  • Alicia Jensen, BSN, of Cardiology at LG Health
  • Anne DeLuca, BSN, Penn Hospice at Rittenhouse
  • Jennifer Marcellus, BSN, Peri-op Care unit, at PPMC
  • Annelies Wood, MSN, ICN at PAH


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