Graphic of mask contest winners

The winners of Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (PPMC)’s fall mask design contest enjoyed expressing their creative sides to spread the word that masks remain an important part of the uniform as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Winners of the three major categories – “Most Creative,” “Best Message,” and “Best Overall Design” – received $250, and all the winners had their designs shared in the “5 Things You Need to Know” email that goes out to staff. Volunteer Rachel Greenblatt was also recognized for her colorful rendering of PPMC.

“Voting for the winners was very challenging but, in the end, PPMC senior leaders chose those designs that would appeal to the widest audience of Presby staff members,” said Suzanne Smith, MEd, CPXP, director of Patient Experience.

Radiology Film Room Clerk La’Tora Brown was excited to win for “Best Message” with her bold red mask on which she wrote in silver, “MAKE LIFE NORMAL AGAIN PLEASE!” She surrounded the words with pearls and added seashells in the corners because her daughter loves the beach. Brown, who dreamed of being a famous fashion designer, said that by “normal,” she meant things like cheering at her daughter’s fourth-grade graduation; it was canceled due to COVID.

“It hurt so bad, because as a single parent, you look forward to things like this,” Brown said. “I cannot get that fourth-grade graduation back.”

She said she has worn her mask and people have connected with the message.

“Most Creative” went to Roseann Wu, MD, MPH, an associate professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She took inspiration from the University of Pennsylvania shield, turning the chevron into two syringes to symbolize the COVID-19 vaccine. Surrounding the shield are scattered COVID virus particles.

“I wanted to exercise my creative side while designing a mask that would speak to our experience with COVID-19,” Wu said. “I also wanted to emphasize the importance of the vaccine and public health measures for controlling the virus.”

Overall winner Volunteer Services Coordinator Evan Loundas opted for a clean and simple design, which also featured the Penn shield, and the message, “Keeping Our Patients and Community Safe.” As the overall design winner, he also received a lunch party for his department.


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