Close up photo of woman holding her the index fingers and thumbs of both hands to make a square shape.

It can be easy to fall into a routine that makes each day feel the same. Luckily, it is never too late to reconnect with your priorities and show up for yourself.

June is National Employee Health and Well-Being Month, and this year’s theme is Purpose. The Wellfocused team recognizes the importance of reestablishing one’s purpose in order to overcome challenges, face adversity, and move forward. The team, in collaboration with key health system partners, will support employees with a robust offering of well-being programs throughout the month of June.

Toward the beginning of the month, renowned lecturer and addiction educator Vince DiPasquale, of the documentary “Starting Point,” will convey the restorative power of mental wellness, recovery, and personal growth. Be inspired to discover or renew your purpose by joining DiPasquale for his powerful lesson at noon on Thursday, June 9. Learn more and register.

Along with DiPasquale’s presentation, the month of June is packed with programs and content to help UPHS employees find their purpose. Sessions include workshops, lifestyle coaching, headspace hygiene, and more. To participate in other sessions, visit the calendar. For additional information, contact the Wellfocused team at

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