Eric Bradburn, DO, critical care trauma surgeon, LG Health

Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health critical care trauma surgeon Eric Bradburn, DO, has been recognized by the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) as an Everyday Hero on the Frontline of COVID-19.

Bradburn assumed additional leadership roles while LG Health was preparing for COVID-19, including the development of a team-based intensive care unit contingency schedule to allow for the care of critically ill patients.

“The deployment of these teams has educated providers so that they can function during a crisis and has significantly improved teamwork and communication between departments,” said James Lamberg, DO, an anesthesiologist who works with Bradburn at Lancaster General Hospital and nominated him for this award.

“This has not only prepared us to handle the pandemic, but likely has long-lasting positive benefits for the institution as a whole,” Lamberg added.

PAMED’s Everyday Hero Award is designed to showcase talented physicians who are unlikely to view themselves as heroes, but are looked on as such by their patients and colleagues. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the statewide organization is honoring those physicians who have stepped up to care for their patients through this unchartered territory.

Patients and medical colleagues can nominate PAMED member physicians for the Everyday Hero Award at

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