As of September 2023, Penn Medicine’s official employee newsletter in print is Inside Penn Medicine. Many of our employee newsletter stories are now published throughout each month on the Penn Medicine News Blog. Older stories are available to browse in these archives.

Six pieces of art, from paintings to poetry, displayed on a table at the Pennsylvania Hospital art show

Inaugural Arts Gallery Showcases Pennsy Artists

Pennsylvania Hospital’s Great Court recently became a hub for the arts, featuring colorful paintings, handcrafted textiles, and captivating photographs, all created by PAH staff and students.

RSS Feed

  • pennsylvania hospital magnet redesignation

    Twice as Nice: Pennsylvania Hospital Earns Magnet Designation Again!

    November 02, 2020
    At 9 a.m. on September 16, Pennsylvania Hospital’s nursing team heard the words they’d been waiting for. After four years of diligent work, three days of site visits, and seven weeks of anticipation, PAH successfully earned the nation’s gold-standard designation for nursing excellence for the second time.
  • Theresa

    Vantage Point: Theresa Larivee, Chief Executive Officer

    October 08, 2020
    In a year that has been characterized by rapidly updating headlines and dramatic social, economic, and climate upheaval, Pennsylvania Hospital too has been in the midst of a transformation.
  • pennsylvania hospital surgical tech

    Spotlight on PAH’s State-of-the-Art Surgical Tech

    October 08, 2020
    Whether a patient is undergoing a minor procedure or complex surgery, Pennsy’s surgeons and specialists are committed to delivering advanced, personalized care. Here are three recent innovative firsts led by the hospital’s neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery teams.
  • pennsylvania hospital cares grant winners

    Pennsy CAREs and Contributes Amid COVID

    October 08, 2020
    Many compassionate and community-minded individuals have been able to step up in this time of need to serve their neighbors. In true Good Samaritan fashion, three of these dedicated volunteers are PAH staff members, using their Penn Medicine CAREs Grants to give back and make a difference in their communities.
  • pennsylvania hospital covid pregnancy pandemic

    Expecting During an Epidemic: A Glimpse into Pregnancy at Pennsy

    September 10, 2020
    As the coronavirus swept across the world, it took with it baby showers, casual walks through the onesie aisles at Target, coffee dates with pregnant friends, grandparents eagerly pacing the waiting room, and even mask-free deliveries.
  • Theresa

    Vantage Point: Theresa Larivee, Chief Executive Officer

    September 09, 2020
    Since our #WhiteCoatsforBlackLives demonstration and racial justice town hall, Pennsylvania Hospital has continued crucial dialogues surrounding institutional and systemic racism and reaffirmed our solidarity with the health system’s mission to advance a culture of diversity, inclusion, and equality.
  • Pennsy

    Commending Pennsy’s “Magnet Crusaders”

    September 09, 2020
    Last month, PAH took the next step towards Magnet Recognition Program® redesignation by hosting a three-day site visit for the program’s appraisers.
  • john brennan farewell

    Saying Goodbye to a “Stalwart” Nursing Leader

    September 09, 2020
    On July 11, John A. Brennan passed away at 62. Though the loss was immense, he left a legacy of kindness and integrity and made an indelible mark on the colleagues he mentored and the patients he cared for over the years.
  • pennsy kudos corner september 2020

    Kudos Corner

    September 09, 2020
    Congratulations to Laetitia Simeral, CRNP, a nurse practitioner for the Sarcoma Program, and Olatomide Familusi, MD, MS, a fifth-year Plastic Surgery resident, on their recent honors. Their compassionate work and dedication have a positive impact on the patients and communities we serve everyday.
  • cone beam ct pennsylvania hospital

    Helping Lung Patients Breathe Easier with Earlier Diagnoses

    August 10, 2020
    As the bronchoscope gradually made its way down the patient’s trachea and into their airway, Christoph Hutchinson, MD, director of Bronchoscopy at Pennsylvania Hospital, could see that he was getting close.