As of September 2023, Penn Medicine’s official employee newsletter in print is Inside Penn Medicine. Many of our employee newsletter stories are now published throughout each month on the Penn Medicine News Blog. Older stories are available to browse in these archives.

Six pieces of art, from paintings to poetry, displayed on a table at the Pennsylvania Hospital art show

Inaugural Arts Gallery Showcases Pennsy Artists

Pennsylvania Hospital’s Great Court recently became a hub for the arts, featuring colorful paintings, handcrafted textiles, and captivating photographs, all created by PAH staff and students.

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  • Theresa

    Vantage Point: Theresa Larivee, Chief Executive Officer

    August 10, 2020
    Across Penn Medicine, critical work is taking place to determine how our health system can support Black and other minority employees, champion justice and equality in the communities we serve, and use this pivotal moment as a catalyst for sustainable, transformative change.
  • brian dunlop pennsylvania hospital

    A Chat with PAH’s New Chaplain

    August 10, 2020
    When facing a crisis, Rev. Brian Dunlop is just the friendly face you want to see. For more than 20 years, Dunlop worked as a public insurance adjuster, helping people struggling with damage wrought by hurricanes and fires rebuild their homes and restore their lives.
  • dr braffman celebration

    A Banner Week for Dr. Braffman

    August 10, 2020
    Year after year, lists like Best Doctors in America, America’s Top Doctors, and Philadelphia magazine’s “Top Docs” have included Michael N. Braffman, MD, among their ranks. But while these acknowledgments are certainly special, Pennsy’s house staff recently upped the ante as they recognized their beloved mentor.
  • Feature

    Focused, Fearless, and Forward-Thinking: Lauding Pennsy’s Nursing Leaders

    July 08, 2020
    It’s the “Year of the Nurse” according to the World Health Organization — and what a year 2020 has been so far! All of PAH’s frontline nurses have overcome unprecedented challenges posed by the coronavirus, going above and beyond and giving their all.
  • Theresa

    Vantage Point: Theresa Larivee, Chief Executive Officer

    July 08, 2020
    Over the past several months, I have been in awe of the extraordinary efforts of every Pennsylvania Hospital staff member as we’ve faced the coronavirus crisis.
  • Justice

    Pennsy Takes Initial Integral Steps Towards Racial Justice

    July 08, 2020
    As the community reckons with COVID-19 concerns, economic anxieties, and the civil unrest sparked by the tragic deaths of multiple Black Americans, to say that the past several months have been difficult for the staff of PAH and indeed for the world would be an understatement.
  • Herculean

    Honoring a Nursing Team’s Herculean Efforts

    July 08, 2020
    In a time characterized by widespread uncertainty, health care professionals on the front lines have had to learn to expect the unexpected. For PAH’s 4 Cathcart nursing team, this was especially true when they learned that their plans to transition to 6 Schiedt needed to accelerate in an effort to prepare for a coronavirus surge.
  • teaser

    PAH Celebrates Superheroes in Scrubs and Surgical Masks

    May 21, 2020
    It’s difficult to find a silver lining in the midst of a global pandemic that requires daily sacrifices, resilience, and courage. But a glimmer of hope in a bleak time shines in Pennsylvania Hospital’s extraordinary employees and their compassion, professionalism, and unity.
  • vantage point

    Vantage Point: Theresa Larivee, Chief Executive Officer

    May 21, 2020
    Over the course of three months, COVID-19 has dramatically changed our lives. As we adjust to our “new normal,” never before have our roles as health care professionals been more difficult, nor have they ever been more critical to the well-being of our community.
  • Difference

    Difference Makers: Choosing Faith Over Fear on the Front Lines

    May 21, 2020
    Long before ventilators were making headlines, respiratory therapists like Pennsylvania Hospital’s Roy Beatty were working tirelessly to help patients breathe comfortably and independently.