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Hat Trick for Penn Medicine at Philadelphia Science Festival this Monday

PSF logoOn Monday, April 23, Penn Medicine faculty will be particpating in three events at the Philadelphia Science Festival.

Start off with the science café Orphan Diseases: What Are They and Why Should We Care? at Rembrandt’s, 741 North 23rd Street at 6:30 PM. Hear firsthand the plight of a patient who fought to be diagnosed with an "orphan disease," and what some Philadelphia scientists are doing to help change the fate of the 30 million Americans with rare diseases. FOP expert Fred Kaplan, MD, Orthopedics, is part of the panel discussion in this event organized by the Monell Chemical Senses Center.

Also the Franklin Institute is hosting the public lecture Cancer and our Genome: Insight and Hope at 6:00 PM. This free event features Penn cancer experts Drs. Chi Van Dang, Katherine Nathanson, and Anil Rustgi, as well as Yael Mosse from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Ashani Weeraratna from the Wistar Institute. The discussion will be emceed by WHYY’s Taunya English and is organized by the Penn Genome Frontier Institute.

Cap off the evening with science café Science of Nutrition: The Gluten- and Dairy-Free Fad at Pure Fare, 119 South 21st Street at 8:00 PM. Enjoy gluten- and dairy-free desserts while learning about these common food allergies and sensitivities. Dr. Faten Aberra, Penn Medicine Gastroenterology, and Jessica Procini, Your Path to Health, will lead the discussion.  

The Festival, a citywide collaboration showcasing science and technology every April, runs from April 20-29. Penn students, staff, and faculty will be participating in all kinds of events throughout the entire festival. For the next week, watch this news blog and Penn Medicine on Twitter and Facebook for detailed information on individual Penn events.

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