AcrossPenn Medicine, practices continuously seek out ways to support theircommunities. During this season, those sites also aim to bring joy topatients and staff; some of whom may not be able to spend the holiday seasonwith loved ones. Many Penn Medicine community practices, Clinical Care Associate practices, and Penn Home Care and Hospice Services celebrated theHoliday season in unique ways. Here are just some of the ways Penn Medicinehelped brighten the holidays for those in need:
Zubrow, Kershbaum and Cohen at Pennsylvania Hospital,employees donated items to
ChildAbuse Prevention Effort (CAPE) who will designate the items to those inneed in their mission to prevent child abuse and neglect in Philadelphiacommunities.
Earlier this month, Gary Dorshimer, MD, of Penn Personalized Care,invited his patients to a complimentary evening of education and health tips onnutrition and physical activity during the holiday season. The speaker wasJim McCrossin, MS, ATC – the head athletic trainer and strength &conditioning coach for the Philadelphia Flyers.
Delancey Medical Associates at Pennsylvania Hospitalcollected three large boxes of food for Philabundance,as well as toiletries and other needed items to CAPE for teenagers. Thecollection for teenagers is the practice’s main holiday drive thisyear. Employees participating in “dress down” Fridays made donations tocharities throughout the year. During the Holiday season, they support a familyor individual associated with the practice in need of assistance.
PennMedicine Valley Forge paired up with The FamilyService Center of Chester County to “adopt” two families for theHoliday season, providing them with clothes, a basketball, baseball cards, andother gifts.
Family Medicine Kennett is hosting itsannual Holiday Food Drive through the end of the year. Staff are permittedto “dress down” on Fridays in exchange for bringing in at least twonon-perishable items for the collection. Patients and friends are alsoencouraged to participate in the food drive. The practice has already deliveredeight large boxes of food and aims to deliver at least that much by the end ofthe year.
OB/Gyn Pinelands participated in Toys for Tots and collected clothes forthose affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Like staff in many otherpractices, individuals at PennMedicine Radnor are participating in numerous food drives, but are alsoconducting stuffed animal drives and sending Holiday cards to a recoveringAmerican soldier.
For sixteen years, ChristineBossone, MSN, staff development and nurse educator,has led Penn Care at Home staff in an annual visit to homebound patients toshare some Holiday cheer. Medical staff routinely visit these patients toprovide various home care and hospice services, including nursing care andrehabilitation therapies. On this occasion, Santa Claus joins other staff incaroling and giving a special gift to each patient in their home.
The Clinical Care Associates’corporate office supports Philabundance through fundraisers year-round;especially around Thanksgiving. Shortly after Thanksgiving, they startcollecting new and unused gifts such as clothing, toys, toiletries, and giftcards. Items collected are donated to CAPE.
“Every year I am alwaysshocked by how much I collect across CCA,” said Collection Organizer SharonRensky, procurement trainer. “With so many caring and compassionateemployees within CCA, it fills my heart with joy to make so many trips to thedock to load up CAPE’s van.”
For the past several years,CCA focused on supporting teens through CAPE. Starting this year, they donatedto all ages from infant to 18 years old. This collection is open to all of CCA;the corporate office as well as the physician practices.
“Giving to those who are lessfortunate than ourselves is the true meaning of the holiday, and I’m so proudto be part of a team that is so dedicated to sharing that spirit,” said Rensky.“I look forward to continuing this tradition for CCA in the years ahead andspreading the joy of the season to as many people as we can.”