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“A Whirlwind of Emotion, Excitement, and Celebration” - Post Match Day Reflections and New Beginnings

In their final post, Jon and Martha Kole, fourth year students at the Perelman School of Medicine, reveal how Match Day unfolded and where they will be heading for their residencies. Congrats to all the students and check out the photo series from this year's ceremony!


Jon and Martha on Match Day
Our wish to match in “a city starting with the letter P” hasbeen granted…P is for Providence! We are both excited to have matched intogreat programs in Providence, Rhode Island! Martha will be completing herOB/GYN residency in the renown and beautiful Women and Infant’s Hospital, whileJon joins the small cohort nationwide to enter the Triple Board training inPediatrics, Adult Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry. We are proud to be part ofBrown University and enjoy coastal living in the Ocean State. It seems likefate, as Martha’s maiden name is none other than Brown.

The days surrounding Match Day were a whirlwind of emotion,excitement, and celebration. As we opened the doors to Dunlop Auditorium, wewere met with a cacophony of conversation from the crowds of parents, partners,and almost-doctors. I don’t think we had ever seen it that full. We slowly madeour way down the aisle, stopping every so often to give hugs and well wishes.We surveyed the seating and found our way to an open section towards the front.We didn’t have time to cross our legs before Dean J. Larry Jameson’s remarks were overand Dr. Jon Morris announced the name drawing would begin. We figured we still hada little time, a moment or two to soak it in and embrace the anticipation. Thefirst name was drawn.

“Jonathan Kole.” As quickly as that, Jon rose from his seatto claim his envelope and his future. As previously decided, we left theauditorium to open our envelope in privacy without our peers dissecting ourreactions for emotions. We found a corner nook and seized the moment (using ourbrand new Perelman letter opener). Out of the blank white envelope came a singlepiece of paper. Jonathan Kole, Peds/Psych/Child Psych, Brown University. Weembraced with enthusiasm, knowing from our rank list that this ensured Marthawould be at Brown as well. Martha immediately called her mother and Jon fieldedquestions from a Penn reporter about “being the first envelope.” After the calland with wide smiles, we made our way back into the auditorium. We shared hugsand high fives with well-matched peers until Martha got her envelope. For abrief moment, the possibility of some clerical error separating us filled ourhearts with panic. She tore open the envelope and let out a sigh of relief.Martha Kole, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Brown University.

Rhode Island here we come! In fact, we’re alreadycelebrating in the beautiful city of Providence.

-Jon and Martha Kole

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