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Penn Medicine and Monaco’s Princess Grace Hospital Forge Partnership for Academic and Scientific Advancement

Prince Albert II of Monaco and Philadelphia Mayor Nutter Attend Ceremonial Signing Event at Penn Medicine

Penn Medicine hosted His Serene Highness Albert II, Prince of Monaco – whose mother, the late Princess Grace of Monaco was one of Philadelphia’s most beloved citizens – during an event on Saturday, October 26, to celebrate a new partnership between Penn Medicine and the Princess Grace Hospital in the Principality of Monaco. The new venture, which focuses on cardiovascular medicine and oncology, will allow patients in Monaco and Philadelphia to have access to some of the most innovative new treatments in these areas of medicine, and for students, faculty and staff from both institutions to learn from one another.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter was on hand for an event – featuring a ceremonial signing of the agreement and a plaque presentation – to formalize the partnership and commemorate His Serene Highness Albert II’s visit to Penn.


Prince Albert II of Monaco (top right) and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter look on as Patrick Bini, Director of Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco (seated left), and J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD, Dean of the Perelman School of Medicine and Executive Vice President of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System, formally sign the agreement between Penn Medicine and the Princess Grace Hospital.


Monaco's Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene are greeted and presented with flowers upon their arrival at Penn Medicine's Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine.


Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco talk with Stephen Hahn, MD, Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology, to learn about the Roberts Proton Therapy Center's state-of-the-art cancer treatment facility.

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