News Blog

Blog Topic: Human Interest

  • Mark Prior

    How to Survive Baseball’s ‘Most Fearsome Injury’

    November 06, 2018

    As a 15-year-old high school pitcher, my fastball hissed into the catcher’s mitt at 80 on the radar gun. By the end of my sophomore season, the pitch was 10 miles per hour slower and missing its zip. When someone asks what happened, I usually tell them, “Do you remember Mark Prior?”

  • 1

    For Teenage Cancer Patients, Social Well-being is a Priority

    October 09, 2018

    Like most teenagers, Allison “Alli” Zellers loved to sleep late on weekends. But one Sunday morning, Alli’s plans to stay in bed were interrupted by a twinge of pain at the back of her neck. When the pain persisted despite rest, medication, and physical therapy, her doctor ordered an MRI.


    The Script Doctor

    September 13, 2018

    Doctors make for good television. Networks have been filling their primetime lineups with medical dramas for as long as TV has been around. Sometimes the focus changes, from medical mysteries like House or Quincy, M.E., to the drama of emergency medicine like ER, or the complex relationships and realities of working in a hospital setting like Grey’s Anatomy.

  • Kidney

    A Chain Reaction: One Selfless Decision Saves Eight Lives

    August 28, 2018

    Becoming a living organ donor is an incredible act of generosity, but it takes on a special meaning when a person donates just because, and to no one in particular. David Nicklin, MD, an associate professor of Family Medicine & Community Health at Penn Medicine, is one of those people.

  • Kensington

    In the Name of the People We’ve Lost

    August 16, 2018

    Nicole O’Donnell’s first love was benzodiazepines. The Delaware County native was first introduced to the drugs (most often used for treating anxiety) in what she calls “the typical way” – partying with pills. But, she quickly found that pills are expensive, and other, harder drugs like heroin and fentanyl are cheaper and easier to access.

  • Family Blog

    Body and Mind: Adjusting to Normal Life after Cancer Treatment

    May 09, 2018

    Cancer, like so many other overwhelming or life-altering situations, can really stick with a person. For many, the end of treatment is met with a flood of emotions that can make it difficult to get back to normal life.

  • PNG

    The Path through Penn Medicine: Differentiation of Each Student’s Journey

    May 07, 2018

    There is a shared background among every person who bears the letters “MD” after their name: They’ve gone through four years of medical school, learning similar basic sciences knowledge and clinical skills necessary to pursue medical licensing after they graduate.

  • Broad Street Run Blog

    A Perfect 10: Why the Broad Street Run is Made for Personal Bests

    May 04, 2018

    From elite runners to weekend warriors, the Broad Street Run is Philadelphia’s most popular run and the biggest 10-miler in the country. But why is it so popular? To get to the heart of this question, one has to go beyond the basics of running 10 miles, and take a closer look at what makes this race the pride of Philadelphia.

  • PennPortal

    PennPORT(al) into a Thriving Science Career

    April 30, 2018

    It’s no surprise that Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, PhD, a post-doctoral fellow in Neuroscience, is starting his own lab at Penn in July. After all, he created his first lab when he was just 14 years old. What’s surprising is the journey he took to get here – from the home he grew up in located in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, to North Carolina, and as far as Qatar – all to come back home to Penn.

  • Transplant

    A Patient’s Courageous Decision Saves His Life

    April 18, 2018

    “It was a 10+-year ordeal.” That’s how 59-year old Tom Giangiulio described his sometimes ups – and often downs – of battling heart disease.

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