Featured News

  • Science Fair Switcheroo: Third Graders Judge Neuroscience Projects at Penn

    January 17, 2014

    While many third graders are just starting to learn how to read charts and graphs, understand the solar system, and make sense of other basic science and math concepts, nearly 200 third-graders from Saint Frances Cabrini Regional School and Saint Francis DeSales, West Philadelphia Achievement Charter School, and Academy at...

  • To The Newly Insured: Now What?

    January 16, 2014

    Since the official launch of the Affordable Care Act in late 2013, millions of previously uninsured or underinsured Americans have selected plans affording them better access to health care. With all the controversy around the new legislation and questions surrounding the launch of the enrollment web site, little attention was...

  • Memory May Fade with Dementia, but Artistic Abilities and Benefits Carry On

    January 15, 2014

    Since it is possible for Alzheimer's patients to create art, researchers are investigating whether art therapy improves symptoms or quality of life. A new review of studies assessing art interventions from Perelman School of Medicine researchers found that art creation and appreciation activities may improve Alzheimer's disease patients' mood, activities of daily living, quality of life, and even caregiver distress.

  • The “Other”Circulatory System

    January 10, 2014

    Blood is the life force of animals. But behind the more well-known system of veins, arteries, and capillaries functions the mop-up crew, the vascular network called the lymph system.

  • Penn Medicine In the News: Philly vs. the Polar Vortex

    January 08, 2014

    It has been difficult to avoid the term polar vortex this week, as an aberration in Arctic winds led to much of the country experiencing dangerously low temperatures. Though Philadelphia escaped the worst this phenomena had to offer, temperatures in the city still dropped to their lowest point in several...

  • A Man With a Mission

    January 07, 2014

    For someone who has made the national news for probing some dubious aspects of medical research and for publicizing instances of scientific misconduct, Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD, does not look particularly fearsome in person. But he is certainly passionate and animated when it comes to articulating his concerns. Casadevall –-...

  • Penn Medicine Year in Review 2013

    December 30, 2013

    With 2014 just around the corner, the Penn Medicine Department of Communications is taking a look back at the many highlights and achievements of our faculty, staff, and students in 2013. From landmark breakthroughs in medical research to system-wide growth, moving forward with new leadership to celebrating milestone accomplishments in...

  • Penn Neurologist Inspires India to Screen 230 Million Children for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

    December 27, 2013

    Based on the research of Neurology professor emeritus Donald Silberberg, the Government of India has initiated a nation-wide study to identify children with neurodevelopmental disorders and secure treatment and rehabilitation for them. Investing over allocated $400 million U.S. dollars to the program, the program hopes to screen an estimated 230 million children in 630 centers that are being established across the country.

  • Ho-Ho-Holiday Round-Up

    December 24, 2013

    Throughout the year, Penn Medicine employees volunteer their time, money, and resources to help members of local communities, but outreach across the Health System always kicks into overdrive around the season of joy and giving, and 2013 was certainly no exception. Today, as many of us are at home surrounded...

  • The Best Gift this Holiday Season is Free

    December 20, 2013

    While winter storms, vacation plans, shopping, family and friend gatherings, colds, flu, and other factors can fill a Holiday season, one crucial gift often goes overlooked. In fact, these factors, among others, demonstrate why donating blood is critical during traditionally low levels this time of year—and why the Blood Donation...

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Views expressed are those of the author or other attributed individual and do not necessarily represent the official opinion of the related Department(s), University of Pennsylvania Health System (Penn Medicine), or the University of Pennsylvania, unless explicitly stated with the authority to do so.

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