Featured News

  • From Haiti to 30 Rock: The New Adventures of Hayley Goldbach (’15)

    June 11, 2013

    We first met—and followed—Penn Medicine medical student Hayley Goldbach (M’15) almost two years ago when she blogged about her experiences in Botswana, as part of the Botswana-UPenn Partnership. We got a peek at her work at the dermatology clinic and what’s it like to study vulvar cancer in HIV positive...

  • The Gift of Surviving Cancer and Giving Back

    June 07, 2013

    She’s a striking blond. Attractive, warm, funny, caring, and always smiling. He’s also a striking blond – and warm and caring and funny – and seems to always be smiling as well. “She” is Ginny Fineberg, a youthful looking 64 year old cancer survivor. And “he” is her self-proclaimed “Momma’s...

  • Tackling the Cancer and Aging Conundrum

    June 04, 2013

    Penn’s Institute on Aging recently co-hosted its annual Sylvan M. Cohen lecture and poster session. This year, in partnership with the Abramson Cancer Center‘s Tumor Biology Program, the event focused on “protecting the genome in the longevity revolution: cancer and aging.” Brian Duke, Pennsylvania Secretary for Aging, set the stage...

  • Tweaking T Cells for Transplants

    May 30, 2013

    Bone marrow transplants, like the high-profile match between the son of heavyweight fighter Evander Holyfield and 19-year-old Nashville native Darian Craig, profiled in People magazine earlier this month, run the risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), a life-threatening complication where the donor cells attack the patient’s own cells. BMT procedures replace...

  • Smiles Break Past Sorrow at Camp Erin - Philadelphia

    May 24, 2013

    "Imagine the sound of this gong is like a rocket ship that can send messages up to your loved one," said drummer Josh Robinson, "take 10 seconds to think of your message, and when I ring the gong, it'll reach your loved one." This therapeutic music class was one of...

  • That Was Then, and This Is Now. Or Is It?

    May 23, 2013

    I hold the publication in my hands. It features an article on “chronobiology” and sleep studies. It includes some faculty newsmakers, such as Albert J. Stunkard, MD, professor of Psychiatry, one of Penn’s well-known experts on sleep disorders; Peter Quinn, DMD, MD, a leader in surgically treating the most painful...

  • A Look Back, in Photos: The Past Month or So Around Penn Medicine

    May 23, 2013

    Though my Penn Medicine ID card says 'Digital Communications Editor,' I've worn a few hats here — including in-house photographer. Because it's an aspect of the job that I love, I'd like to share some of the photos I've taken over the past month or so, giving readers a glimpse...

  • Angelina Jolie’s Cancer Prevention Surgery Puts Basser Research Center for BRCA In National Spotlight

    May 15, 2013

    Basser.graphic.blue.background.expanded This week, when Oscar-winning actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie revealed that she underwent surgery to remove her breasts after learning that she carries one of the BRCA gene mutations that put her at high risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, the news hit home here at the University of Pennsylvania. Just a year ago, Penn announced the creation of the Basser Research Center for BRCA, which was made possible by a $25 million gift from Penn alums Mindy and Jon Gray, in honor of Mindy Gray’s sister, Faith Basser, who died of ovarian cancer at age 44. As the only center in the United States devoted solely to research on prevention and treatment for cancers related to BRCA mutations, Jolie’s story turned a spotlight on the important work in progress there, and the experiences of the many other families with similar cancer risks.

  • 2013 Philadelphia Science Festival Recap

    May 14, 2013

    Penn Medicine faculty, staff, and students shared their love and knowledge of biomedical science with families, students, and the general public at a dozen events during the 2013 Philadelphia Science Festival.

  • Penn Medicine Graduation: What’s Next for the Class of 2013?

    May 13, 2013

    Yesterday was the Perelman School of Medicine’s graduation at the Kimmel Center for Performing Arts, and for most of the students that means goodbye medical school and hello residency. So where will the 84 men and 76 women be heading as they embark on the next phase of their lives?...

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