Featured News

  • Preserving Fertility in the Face of Cancer

    November 30, 2012

    At any one time, Penn Medicine investigators run as many as 3,000 studies involving human subjects, generating knowledge about disease and finding new cures. And making sure these studies run smoothly are 700 clinical research coordinators who do everything from recruiting patients and administering medication to collecting the data that...

  • Penn Medicine Reaches Out

    November 29, 2012

    UCHCFrom providing screenings for high blood pressure in West Philadelphia barber shops to arming women who are recovering from addiction with the skills to build new lives with their children, Penn Medicine’s employees reach far beyond our campus community to help, care for, and inspire people to improve their health. Each year since 2007, Penn Medicine has highlighted the work of its faculty, staff and students in Philadelphia and its neighboring communities in Simply Because. Last year’s book is full of the faces and stories of everyone who comes together to be part of these programs.

  • In the Pink Shadow: Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Needs the Spotlight Now

    November 27, 2012

    With each passing year the month of November loses more and more respect. On paper it looks good – All Saint’s, All Soul’s, Veteran’s and Election Day come right in a row within the first two weeks. But poor Thanksgiving. For several centuries it rose through the ranks as one...

  • After Carving the Turkey, Remember to Carve out Time for Your Health

    November 23, 2012

    Whether you indulged on Turkey Day, are watching your calories, or trying to avoid an annual weight gain during the holidays, Thanksgiving can be an important time to stay in control of your health. And the day after Thanksgiving can be a great opportunity to reinvest your energy and set...

  • A “Modest Proposal:” Spreading the Wealth from Intellectual Property to Encourage New Players in Drug Development

    November 21, 2012

    Garret FitzGerald, MD, chair of the Department of Pharmacology and Director of the Institute for Translational Medicine & Therapeutics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, has long said the current drug-development system in the United States is in need of change, “representing an unsustainable model.” He suggests...

  • A Runner's Heart Healed

    November 16, 2012

    In April 2009, Penn patient Elliot Gordon suffered from an aortic dissection, and required almost immediate open-heart surgery. Less than four years later Gordon will attempt to complete the Philadelphia Half-Marathon Sunday.

  • Art and Insanity

    November 15, 2012

    Was modern art insane? Was modern art -– often defined as art that broke from classical traditions in Europe beginning in the mid-19th century –- created by artists with mental diseases, for appreciation by those with sick minds? To hear what some Penn psychiatrists had to say in the 1920s,...

  • Be a Hero. Donate Blood.

    November 07, 2012

    Do you donate blood? If you’re like the majority of Americans –- more than 90 percent -- the answer is no. Most people don’t think about it in their busy lives. Or they feel someone else will take up the slack. Unfortunately that’s not the case. Less than 40 percent...

  • Halloween Goes on at HUP's Intensive Care Nursery

    November 01, 2012

    Hurricane Sandy’s impact on the Philadelphia region did not dampen the Halloween celebration at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania’s Intensive Care Nursery (ICN)! The Third Annual ICN Halloween Party provided a unique way for parents to celebrate the first Halloween of these tiny babies, many of whom were...

  • What Would Dr. Cohn Think?

    October 25, 2012

    This month marks three years since the late Mildred Cohn, PhD, the Benjamin Rush Professor Emerita of Physiological Chemistry at the time of her retirement from the Penn department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, passed away. Her early work using magnetic forces to study the structure of molecules led to the...

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