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Blog Topic: reproductive medicine infertility

  • The Affordable Care Act – A “Supremely” Big Debate

    March 26, 2012

    David Grande, MD, MPA, assistant professor of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine and a senior fellow in the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, helps break down the oral arguments the Supreme Court will hear regarding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

  • Genomic Study May Help Halt Rising Health Care Spending

    March 23, 2012

    In the face of rising health case expenditures, Katrina Armstrong, MD, MSCE, chief of the division of General Internal Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, suspects that the fast-growing field of genomics may be a source of meaningful cost savings. Genomics is the study and testing of one person’s genes, as well as the interactions between those genes and with the subject’s environment. Writing in the March 14 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Armstrong notes that despite being a new technology – and therefore often associated with higher health care costs – genomics can also be used to identify individuals who will show little or no benefit from a medical intervention, possibly because they have a low risk of suffering harm without the intervention, or because they will not benefit from the intervention. In either case, genetic testing could reduce the use of treatments that are unnecessarily expensive or that are unlikely to yield a benefit. The result is an overall cost reduction.

  • Penn Medicine CAREs In the Community

    March 21, 2012

    Packing food boxes for distribution by Philabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization. Helping at a camp for children who have lost a parent. Reaching out to children and teens to keep them from smoking … or to encourage them to quit. These are just a few of the ways...

  • Match Day Madness!

    March 16, 2012

    It's the morning of Match Day and medical students across the country are eagerly awaiting their ceremonies. NPR reports on this exciting and emotion filled experience for these future doctors. Perelman School of Medicine students will be reporting to Stemmler Hall at 12 pm to accept their match letters. Our...

  • Anticipation and Excitement Lead the Way to Match Day

    March 14, 2012

    Our medical student bloggers share their feelings on the days (hours and minutes!) leading up to the Match Day! Tamara Bockow Match day is around the corner. I know it’s a few days away, but I am still having trouble sleeping! I know there will be screams, tears and hugs....

  • Cell Home Movies

    March 13, 2012

    In a recent Journal of Cell Biology study Erika Holzbaur, PhD, a professor of Physiology, postdoctoral researcher Sandra Maday, Ph.D., and Karen E. Wallace, all from the Perelman School of Medicine, examined autophagosomes in neurons from transgenic mice reared with florescent green biomarker. These neurons, when grown in culture, send out axon-like projections, which grew 1 mm in two days, making it easier for the team to record movies of the sacs moving along the projection. The team saw the sacs form and engulf cargo at the end of the projections farthest from the nucleus, and mature into the degradative autolysosomes as they moved toward the cell body. The autolysosomes also become increasingly acidic as they move along the axon, most likely to aid in more efficient degradation.

  • The Nose Knows: Modern Rhinoplasty Techniques Improve Quality of Life and Function for Patients

    March 12, 2012

    New research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania indicates that modern techniques used in rhinoplasty are showing excellent improvements in patients’ quality of life and function as compared to older techniques used for the procedure.

  • Big Help for Parents of the Smallest Babies

    March 09, 2012

    Born February 22, at 32 weeks of pregnancy, weighing only four pounds, six ounces, young Xion Isiah Pygum experiences many of the same issues found in other babies who are born too soon. But he’s making great progress in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Hospital of the...

  • 2012 Match Day at the Perelman School of Medicine

    March 09, 2012

    “Match Day” marks one of the most important days in a medical student’s career. Match Day is held annually to announce the results of the National Residents Matching Program (NRMP), which places graduating medical students with residency programs throughout the country. On March 16, 2012, the wait will be over...

  • How'd They Do That? Using Computer Designs to Rebuild a Face

    March 07, 2012

    Jesse Taylor, MD, assistant professor in Plastic Surgery, is using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) to plan out a surgery to restructure someone's face. Dr. Taylor walks through a recent surgery, one of the most complicated cases he's done, of a patient whose facial structure was significantly impacted by a rare genetic condition called Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (SCS).

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