News Blog

  • brain1

    Life after Brain Injury

    September 18, 2017

    Every brain injury is different. Traumatic brain injury may result in some physical changes, such as seizures and temporary paralysis, but the majority of the lingering difficulties experienced by brain injury survivors are unnoticeable to the average passerby, often leading to painful and dangerous stigma.

  • doc patient

    Training Doctors for the Hardest Talk

    September 15, 2017

    When a doctor tells a patient there are no realistic paths for curative treatment, the doctor needs to be confident about that. Yet with so many experimental therapies, promising new drugs, and clinical trials offering hope to even the sickest of patients, how can any doctor, even the best doctor, be sure?

  • migraine

    Medicating for Migraines

    September 13, 2017

    In part one of this post, we talked about the nature of migraines — where they come from, and what models physicians are using to approach them. In this part, we look at the complexities inherent to medicating something that’s such a moving target.

  • aromatherapy blog pah

    Soothing “Sniffers” and Holistic Healing

    September 11, 2017

    “How to Keep Fat Burning Post-Workout.” “Your Clean Eating Grocery List.” “25 Essential Oil Remedies for Every Ailment.” In the (paraphrased) words of Sesame Street, one of these articles is not like the others...or is it? The focus on mind and body wellness no longer ends at 30-day exercise challenges, detox nutrition guides, and a few yoga poses and mindfulness tips. Complementary therapies, such as aromatherapy, have made their way into hospitals as legitimate pain and anxiety management methods, including at Pennsylvania Hospital.

  • menopause

    The New Midlife: Why 60 is the New 40

    September 08, 2017

    It wasn’t long ago that the hot flashes and night sweats that came with menopause signaled an unofficial end to one’s sex life, and in some sense was a big blaring reminder that the end was approaching. But the average lifespan of a woman today is 81, and the average age of menopause is 51 – making the post-menopausal stage of life considerable.

  • rader blog

    Human Genetics Studies Reveal New Targets to Reduce Heart Disease

    September 06, 2017

    Again and again, it’s the rare among humans that help the rest of us. The exploration of human genetics is revealing new targets to combat heart disease among atypical variants. Mutations in genes that play a role in heart health are the inspiration for a cluster of new heart drugs.

  • donation

    The Ins and Outs of Organ Donation

    September 01, 2017

    Twenty-seven European countries have shifted from an “opt-in” organ donation system to an “opt-out” (or “presumed consent”). But what works in one country may not work in another, especially when talking about a place like the United States.

  • laces

    How Penn Researchers Simplify Science

    August 30, 2017

    When it comes to presenting information in an easy to understand way, clinicians and researchers at Penn Medicine often turn to analogies – much like our 9th grade bio teachers did – to help explain the complexities of what they do, to boil down seemingly common but not always easily defined treatments and diseases, and give some relatable context to their research.

  • yoga

    Combining Yoga with Medical Studies Helps Students Connect, Recharge, Remember

    August 28, 2017

    By mindfully moving and breathing with the body parts that earlier in the day they had learned about in lectures and examined up-close in donated cadavers in the lab, first-year medical students at Penn gain a deeper appreciation of these structures in a living body.

  • cch care

    Reducing Avoidable Readmissions by Extending Care Beyond the Hospital

    August 25, 2017

    Underlying chronic conditions or unexpected accidents can undermine a patient’s quest to be in good health, prompt a visit to an emergency room, or create the need for an inpatient stay. Sometimes, hospitalization just can’t be avoided. For that reason, Chester County Hospital’s Continuum of Care Program helps patients lessen the likelihood of being readmitted to the hospital down the road.

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This blog is written and produced by Penn Medicine’s Department of Communications. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive an e-mail notification when new content goes live!

Views expressed are those of the author or other attributed individual and do not necessarily represent the official opinion of the related Department(s), University of Pennsylvania Health System (Penn Medicine), or the University of Pennsylvania, unless explicitly stated with the authority to do so.

Health information is provided for educational purposes and should not be used as a source of personal medical advice.

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