News Blog

  • psf

    Penn Medicine Poised for Strong Showing at 7th Philly Science Festival

    April 05, 2017

    The Philadelphia Science Festival kicks off on April 21st and Penn Medicine will again play a leading role in the seventh annual city-wide event that highlights science and technology from the entire region.

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    The Creative Scientist, the Scientific Creative

    April 03, 2017

    Before starting here, I didn’t put much thought into the fact that the lady who performs joint replacements by day could also be performing Spanish guitar at open mic nights. My experience here has, of course, taught me otherwise: Creative minds are everywhere. In retrospect, though, it’s a lesson I could have learned without such experience. History has shown us creativity and medicine make good bedfellows.

  • wasp

    Proudly Parasitic: Penn Scientist Highlights the Positives in “Research Parasites”

    March 31, 2017

    It may sound like an insult, but “research parasite” is a label that Casey Greene, PhD, wears with pride—and so do many other scientists like him. Greene is helping to reclaim that seemingly ugly title by granting an annual set of awards for two scientists, one junior and one established, for research that finds novel insights from reusing and analyzing other people’s data.

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    When it Comes to Colon Cancer Screenings, Trust Your Gut

    March 29, 2017

    Colon cancer is considered one of the most preventable but deadly illnesses; it’s the second leading cause of cancer death among men and women in the United States. Screening tests like colonoscopies can prevent cancer or detect it at an early stage, when treatment can be highly effective. Even with these well-known facts, few people get the recommended screening.

  • Jason Han

    Half a world away, he feels his parents' presence on Match Day

    March 28, 2017

    Jason Han, a medical student at Penn, recently wrote about how his experience as an immigrant inspired his path to a medical career.

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    New Proton Center Research Room Will Have an Impact Near and Far

    March 27, 2017

    The new Albert Chadwick Research Room inside the Roberts Proton Therapy Center is no ordinary laboratory space. In fact, there’s nothing else quite like it anywhere else in the United States, and whether it’s treating patients with cancer or helping NASA with its plans to send astronauts to Mars, the discoveries that could propel scientists forward will happen right here.

  • matchday

    A Lot of Hard Work and a Little Luck O’ the Irish Pay Off for PSOM’s Class of 2017

    March 24, 2017

    On Friday, March 17, while most people were celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, soon-to-be graduating students in the Perelman School of Medicine were hoping that in addition to a little “luck o’ the Irish, ” their years of hard work would pay off as their residency placements were revealed during Penn’s annual Match Day ceremony.

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    Solving the Riddle of Preterm Birth

    March 22, 2017

    Nearly 15 million babies in the world are born prematurely every year, and recent data show the number is on the rise, but the exact cause of premature birth remains one of Mother Nature’s best kept secrets. Doctors simply can’t explain why an otherwise healthy woman might go into labor early, making it difficult to treat—but perhaps there is a key.

  • meili

    Mind Your Brain: Closing the Gap for Brain Injury Survivors

    March 20, 2017

    In 1989, Trisha Meili was viciously attacked, leaving her with a severe traumatic brain injury. Doctors didn’t think she’d survive. But Meili did more than survive: She thrived. What kept her going is part of the message she’ll share with attendees at this week’s annual Mind Your Brain @ Penn Medicine conference, all of whom are brain injury survivors, families, and caretakers.

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    Could the Next Doctor You See Be a Robot?

    March 17, 2017

    Understanding how to work with new artificial intelligence may be the key to innovation and growth in medicine in the years ahead. Here at Penn Medicine and other academic medical centers, robotic surgery is already used in performing low-risk outpatient surgeries—but how did we get here, and what technology is ahead for care providers?

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This blog is written and produced by Penn Medicine’s Department of Communications. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive an e-mail notification when new content goes live!

Views expressed are those of the author or other attributed individual and do not necessarily represent the official opinion of the related Department(s), University of Pennsylvania Health System (Penn Medicine), or the University of Pennsylvania, unless explicitly stated with the authority to do so.

Health information is provided for educational purposes and should not be used as a source of personal medical advice.

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