News Blog

  • millar_tease

    Wake-Up Calls for Women’s Equality, from Academic Medicine to Washington

    February 03, 2017

    Penn Medicine's Sarah Millar has recognized a need to take action and began actively working more to address barriers to women’s equality in academic medicine.

  • heart_teaser

    The Little Algorithm That Could

    February 01, 2017

    The Penn Medicine Heart Failure Solution has come a long way over the last two years; what started as an equation involving 30-some patient characteristics has been whittled down to an almost exact science. Today, that little algorithm has developed into a whole new strategy for managing heart failure patients—and it’s keeping them healthier and out of the hospital longer.

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    Playing an Instrument: Better for Your Brain than Just Listening

    January 30, 2017

    While research has long suggested listening to an orchestra’s performance of such well-known pieces as Beethoven’s 5th Symphony and Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro may boost the audience’s brain power – a hypothesis aptly named The Mozart Effect—Penn Medicine experts suggest those playing in the orchestra may derive the most benefits of all.

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    Can Big Data Help Cancer Patients Avoid ER Visits?

    January 27, 2017

    What if doctors could look into a crystal ball and predict which of their patients might be at risk of getting sick enough to go to the emergency room—and use that prediction to help patients get treatment more quickly, with a greater chance of returning home? For at least one group of patients, that’s exactly what researchers at Penn Medicine are trying to do.

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    PennSeek is the "Google" of EMRs

    January 25, 2017

    Genetic sequencing technology has generated a vast amount of biomedical data in the past ten years. Along with that, the technology has become cheaper, faster and more accurate. This month, the Penn Center for Precision Medicine Accelerator Fund awarded its first grants to eight research teams for personalized medicine projects across a gamut of clinical specialties, from lung cancer to infectious disease to knee surgery, each making use of “big data” in different ways.

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    Twitter’s Role in the Fight Against HIV

    January 23, 2017

    Twitter isn't just a platform to read news, engage with like-minded individuals, launch insults or give praise. It's also a far-reaching and revealing digital "petri dish" to study human behavior that may help predict disease outbreaks, like HIV, and inform public health efforts, as several studies and social media experts have shown over the last few years.

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    Getting a Medical Education from Your Headphones

    January 20, 2017

    Stacks of textbooks and medical journals may soon go the way of the Dodo for many physicians looking to stay updated on latest medical research and breakthroughs. Digital learning tools, such as podcasts, are the way of the future—at least, according to Penn Medicine resident physician in Neurology, James Siegler, MD.

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    Big Ideas for Big (ish) Data

    January 18, 2017

    I sat down with Mike Draugelis, former Lockheed Martin missile defense engineer turned Penn Medicine’s Chief Data Scientist, to learn a bit more about the topic, the use of big data in health care and beyond, and the future of the industry.

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    Easing Transitions Every Step of the Way

    January 16, 2017

    At Penn Medicine, the new Transgender Patient Advocate Program pairs volunteers with trans patients who may benefit from help connecting to providers and making appointments, minor insurance questions, ensuring care providers and frontline staff are respectful, and any other issue they may face along the way.

  • opioid_tease

    Some Patients Grow Wary of Opioids as Epidemic Looms

    January 13, 2017

    Nearly all of the cancer patients Erin McMenamin, MSN, CRNP—a registered a nurse in Radiation Oncology—speaks with are afraid of opioids, citing shocking statistics they’ve read about in the newspaper, tragic stories they’ve seen on the evening news or downright incorrect information they’ve read online.

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This blog is written and produced by Penn Medicine’s Department of Communications. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive an e-mail notification when new content goes live!

Views expressed are those of the author or other attributed individual and do not necessarily represent the official opinion of the related Department(s), University of Pennsylvania Health System (Penn Medicine), or the University of Pennsylvania, unless explicitly stated with the authority to do so.

Health information is provided for educational purposes and should not be used as a source of personal medical advice.

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