News Blog

  • Who Ya Gonna Call? MERT!

    August 15, 2016

    Penn’s MERT Program Celebrates 10 Years of Students Helping Students Should you ever experience a medical emergency, college students on bikes might not be what you’d expect to see pulling up to your house. But, in University City, often times those students on bikes – who are actually highly trained...

  • Scaling a Tall Peak

    August 12, 2016

    In June, the world mourned the loss of American boxing great Muhammad Ali, who long suffered the effects of Parkinson’s disease (PD). While too late for Ali, the Penn community of clinicians and researchers are hard at work finding new ways to detect the disease so that the next generation...

  • Of Mice and Muscles

    August 10, 2016

    Penn has a long history of muscle research, much of which is relevant to Olympic-level athletes and their abilities. As the Rio Olympic Games approach, many armchair spectators of the Games may be wondering: How do those athletes endure their grueling runs, swims, and rides? And, on the flip side...

  • Olympians to Weekend Warriors – Warning Signs for Non-healing Fractures

    August 08, 2016

    If you’re like me and become an all-sport super fan during the Olympics, you will probably remember some of the iconic Olympic-related injuries that have occurred over the years. Kerry Strug summoning the strength to stick her vault landing during the 1996 Atlanta Games despite a terrible ankle injury, and...

  • A Clearer View of Achievement in Nuclear Radiology

    August 05, 2016

    The contributions of Abass Alavi, MD, to the field of nuclear medicine come into clearer focus when you hear his life story up to this point – raised in a poor family in Iran to becoming one of the world’s preeminent researchers in nuclear imaging. Alavi started at the University...

  • Advancing Injury Care for all Americans

    August 03, 2016

    John P. Pryor, MD, Penn trauma surgeon and a Major in the United States Army Reserve Medical Corps (left), and C. William Schwab. On Christmas Day 2008, Pryor was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq with a forward surgical team in the Army’s 1st Medical Detachment when he...

  • Penn Medicine Kicks off Zika Vaccine Trial as Athletes Head to Rio 2016

    August 01, 2016

    This week, more than 10,000 athletes from 206 countries around the world will start competing in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil. But with looming concerns about the Zika virus and other infectious diseases in the region, it won’t only be the athletes that will be under the microscope —...

  • Mysteries and Controversies of the Placenta

    July 29, 2016

    For an organ the female body makes and then sheds all within less than a year, the placenta has long held a place of reverence in human culture. But for scientists, the placenta still holds some mysteries and now some scholarly controversy. The organ, which supplies a developing baby oxygen...

  • Piecing Together Books from Penn’s Past

    July 27, 2016

    “Holy moly! Look what we have!” That’s what Irving Nachamkin, DrPH, MPH , exclaimed when he and his colleague Kathy Montone, MD, both division directors and professors of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Penn Medicine, pulled away the humble brown paper holding a small group of late 19th century books...

  • Students Are Her Business

    July 25, 2016

    Barbara Wagner and Dr. Jon Morris at Match Day. Dean J. Larry Jameson observes. Imagine almost any official function that involves Penn’s medical students -- for example, the White Coat Ceremony, Match Day, or Graduation -- and the odds are excellent that Barbara Wagner would be there. Not as the...

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