News Blog

  • group of medical students walking down a hallway

    Penn Med Students Celebrate Match Day 2016! (video)

    March 22, 2016

    On Friday, doctors-to-be from the Perelman School of Medicine gathered at the historical Harrison Auditorium at the Penn Museum, with its coffered dome and stone walls, to celebrate Match Day--the annual event where medical students from across the country find out where they're headed for residency training. There was a...

  • New Research Pharmacy Opens at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

    March 21, 2016

    When Kenneth Rockwell Jr, PharmD, MS, director of the Investigational Drug Service (IDS) at Penn Medicine, started 21 years ago, the research pharmacy was a one-man operation. Since then, IDS – tasked with managing research medications used in clinical drug trials throughout Penn and many of its affiliates – has...

  • How Childhood Poverty Affects the Brain

    March 18, 2016

    The general findings that cognitive neuroscientist Martha J. Farah, PhD, reported at the beginning of her recent talk on Penn’s campus were grim: the poorer you are, the more depressed you are; a child’s IQ is related to family income; psychological well-being and intelligence both depend on the brain; low...

  • Match Day 2016: Feeling Grateful, One Day Before Match

    March 17, 2016

    Each year, medical students across the country count down to annual “Match Day,” which marks one of the most important days in a student's career. On Friday, March 18, the students will come together with their classmates and wait for the envelope that will tell them where they are headed...

  • The Invisible Wound

    March 16, 2016

    "People look at me and say, ‘You don’t have the right to say you have a disability.’” Ben Richards, US Army Major (Ret) Nine years ago, a suicide car bomber in Iraq smashed into the armored vehicle in which Ben Richards and his men were riding. Although the blast wave...

  • Hips Don't Lie; Neither do Radiologists (pt. 3)

    March 14, 2016

    On this blog, we frequently write about what it’s like to work for — or experience life at — Penn Medicine. What we don’t get the chance to write about very often is what it’s like to see the University of Pennsylvania Health System from the other side: as a...

  • clinical library shelving pah

    Preserving the Pages of History

    March 11, 2016

    Of all of the volumes in Pennsylvania Hospital’s Historic Library, Stacey Peeples, the hospital’s curator-lead archivist, said her favorites are the botanical and natural history studies. Those texts were written and illustrated by some of the earliest researchers to document the flora and fauna of the East Coast. “I love...

  • Match Day 2016: A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with the Match

    March 10, 2016

    Each year, medical students across the country count down to annual “Match Day,” which marks one of the most important days in a student's career. On Friday, March 18, the students will come together with their classmates and wait for the envelope that will tell them where they are headed...

  • Too Much? Too Little? The Goldilocks Story of Iron in the Eye

    March 09, 2016

    The body needs just the right amount of iron, otherwise all manner of havoc happens. Too little iron and the body malfunctions because it carries oxygen to all the cells. Roughly two-thirds of the mineral resides in hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporting protein in red blood cells. And if the body doesn’t...

  • Match Day 2016: A Tale of Two Coasts

    March 07, 2016

    Each year, medical students across the country count down to annual “Match Day,” which marks one of the most important days in a student's career. Friday, March 18, they will come together with their classmates and wait for the envelope that will tell them where they are headed for their...

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