Christopher T. Addis, MD

Hospital Medicine
headshot of Christopher T. Addis, MD
No patient ratings. Why not?
Why doesn't this doctor have a rating?

There is no publicly available rating for this medical professional for one of the following reasons:

  1. They are not employed by Penn Medicine.
  2. They do not see patients.
  3. They see patients but have not yet received the minimum 30 patient satisfaction reviews in the past 12 months, ensuring that the rating is statistically reliable and a true reflection of patient satisfaction.

Sees patients age 18 and up

Christopher T. Addis, MD

Hospital Medicine
No patient ratings. Why not?
Why doesn't this doctor have a rating?

There is no publicly available rating for this medical professional for one of the following reasons:

  1. They are not employed by Penn Medicine.
  2. They do not see patients.
  3. They see patients but have not yet received the minimum 30 patient satisfaction reviews in the past 12 months, ensuring that the rating is statistically reliable and a true reflection of patient satisfaction.

Sees patients age 18 and up

  • Chair, Hospital Department of Medicine, Lancaster General Hospital
  • Senior Physician Leader, Medical Subspecialties, Lancaster General Health
  • Dr. Addis is a Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health physician.

Meet Dr. Addis

I chose internal medicine, and later hospital medicine, because I like understanding the “why.” Having a broad knowledge base means I can manage most things that come my way. I enjoy the intensity of hospital medicine and how it accelerates the physician-patient relationship. It can involve breaking bad news and making tough decisions. Medicine is a calling. Being ill and dying is a very human experience, and one where faith intersects with day-to-day life. We have the opportunity to touch someone’s soul. Sometimes that gets lost in technology. I try to make it as human as possible.

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