Selected Publications
Huppert, L. A., Wolf, D., Yau, C., Brown-Swigart, L., Hirst, G. L., Isaacs, C., Pusztai, L., Pohlmann, P. R., DeMichele, A., Shatsky, R., Yee, D., Thomas, A., Nanda, R., Perlmutter, J., Heditsian, D., Hylton, N., Symmans, F., Van't Veer, L. J., Esserman, L., & Rugo, H. S.: Pathologic complete response (pCR) rates for patients with HR+/HER2- high-risk, early-stage breast cancer (EBC) by clinical and molecular features in the phase II I-SPY2 clinical trial Annals of Oncology : 2025.
Denkert C, Rachakonda S, Karn T, Weber K, Martin M, Marmé F, Untch M, Bonnefoi H, Kim S, Seiler S, Bear HD, Witkiewicz AK, Im S, DeMichele A, Pehl A, Van't Veer L, McCarthy N, Stiewe T, Jank P, Gelmon KA, García-Sáenz JA, Westhoff CC, Kelly CM, Reimer T, Felder B, Olivé MM, Knudsen ES, Turner N, Rojo F, Schmitt WD, Fasching PA, Teply-Szymanski J, Zhang Z, Toi M, Rugo HS, Gnant M, Makris A, Holtschmidt J, Nekljudova V, Loibl S: Dynamics of molecular heterogeneity in high-risk luminal breast cancer—From intrinsic to adaptive subtyping Cancer Cell : 2025.
Magbanua MJM., Ahmed Z., Sayaman RW., Swigart LB., Hirst GL., Yau C., Wolf DM., Li W., Delson AL., Perlmutter J., Pohlmann P., Symmans WF., Yee D., Hylton NM., Esserman LJ., DeMichele A., Rugo HS., van 't Veer LJ.: Cell-free DNA concentration as a biomarker of response and recurrence in HER2-negative breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Clin Cancer Res : 2024.
Mayer EL., Ren Y., Wagle N., Mahtani R., Ma C., DeMichele A., Cristofanilli M., Meise J., Kathy D Miller KD., Abdou Y., Riley EC., Qamar R., Sharma P., Reid S., Sinclair N., Faggen M., Block CC., Ko N., Partridge AH., Chen WY., DeMeo M., Attaya V., Amanda Okpoebo A., Alberti J., Liu Y., Gauthier E., Burstein HJ., Regan MM., Tolaney SM: PACE: A Randomized Phase II Study of Fulvestrant, Palbociclib, and Avelumab After Progression on Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4/6 Inhibitor and Aromatase Inhibitor for Hormone Receptor-Positive/Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer J Clin Oncol : 2024.
Lawrence-Paul MR, Pan T, Pant DK, Chen Y, Belka GK, Feldman M, DeMichele A, Chodosh LA: Rare subclonal sequencing of breast cancers indicates putative metastatic driver mutations are predominately acquired after dissemination Genome Medicine : 2024.
Albain KS., Yau C., Petricoin EF., Wolf DM., Lang JE., Chien AJ., Haddad T., Forero-Torres A., Wallace AM., Kaplan H., Pusztai L., Euhus D., Nanda R., Elias AD., Clark AS., Godellas C., Boughey JC., Isaacs C., Tripathy D., Lu J., Yung RL., Gallagher R., Wulfkuhle JD., Brown-Swigart L., Krings G., Chen YY., Potter DA., Stringer-Reasor E., Blair S., Asare SM., Wilson A., Hirst GL., Singhrao R., Buxton M., Clennell JL., Sanil A., Berry S., Asare AL., Matthews JB., DeMichele A., Hylton NM., Melisko M., Perlmutter J., Rugo HS., Symmans WF., Van't Veer LJ., Yee D., Berry DA., Esserman LJ: Neoadjuvant Trebananib plus Paclitaxel-based Chemotherapy for Stage II/III Breast Cancer in the Adaptively Randomized I-SPY2 Trial-Efficacy and Biomarker Discovery Clin Cancer Res : 2024.
Smith KL., Zhao F., Mayer IA., Tevaarwerk AJ., Garcia SF., Arteaga CL., Symmans WF., Park BH., Burnette BL., Makower DF., Block M., Morley KA., Jani CR., Mescher C., Shabana J Dewani SJ., Brown-Glaberman U., Flaum LE., Mayer EL., Sikov WM., Rodler ET., DeMichele A., Sparano JA., Wolff AC., Miller KD., Wagner LI: Adjuvant platinum versus capecitabine for residual, invasive, triple-negative breast cancer: Patient-reported outcomes in ECOG-ACRIN EA1131
Cancer : 2024.
Albain KS, Yau C, Petricoin EF, Lang JE, Chein AJ, Haddad T, Forero-Torres A, Wallace AM, Kaplan H, Pusztai L, Euhus D, Nanda R, Elias AD, Clark AS, Godellas C, Boughey JC, Isaacs C, Tripathy D, Lu J, Yung RL, Gallagher RI, Wulfkuhle JD, Swigart LB, Krings G, Chen YY, Potter DA, Stringer-Reason E, Blair S, Asare SM, Wilson A, Hirst GL, Singhrao R, Buxton A, Clennell JL, Sanil A, Berry S, Asare AL, Matthews JB, DeMichele A, Hylton NM, Melisko M, Perlmutter J, Rugo HS, Symmans WF, Van't Veer LJ, Yee D, Berry DA, Esserman LJ: Neoadjuvant trebananib plus paclitaxel-based chemotherapy for stage II/III breast cancer in the adaptively randomized I-SPY2 trial - Efficacy and biomarker discovery Clin Cancer Res : 2023.
Gallagher RI., Wulfkuhle J., Wolf DM., Brown-Swigart L., Yau C., O'Grady N., Amrita Basu A., Lu R., Campbell MJ., Magbanua MJ., Coppé JP., I-SPY 2 Investigators; Asare SM., Sit L., Matthews JB., Perlmutter J., Hylton N., Liu MC., Symmans WF., Rugo HS., Isaacs C., DeMichele A., Yee D., Pohlmann PR., Hirst GL., Esserman LJ., van 't Veer LJ., Petricoin EF: Protein signaling and drug target activation signatures to guide therapy prioritization: Therapeutic resistance and sensitivity in the I-SPY 2 Trial
Cell Rep Med : 2023.
Kyalwazi B, Yau C, Campbell MJ, Yoshimatsu TF, Chein AJ, Wallace AM, Forero-Torres A, Pusztai L, Ellis ED, Albain KS, Blaes AH, Haley BB, Boughey JC, Elias AD, Clark AS, Isaacs CJ, Nanda R, Han HS, Yung RL, Tripathy D, Edminston KK, Viscusi RK, Northfelt DW, Khan QJ, Asare SM, Wilson A, Hirst GL, Lu R, Symmans WF, Yee D, DeMichele A, Van't Veer LJ, Esserman LJ, Olopade OI: Race, Gene Expression Signatures, and Clinical Outcomes of Patients With High-Risk Early Breast Cancer JAMA Network Open : 2023.
Academic Contact Information
Division of Hematology Oncology
Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine
10th Floor, South Pavilion
Office #10-153
3400 Civic Center Boulevard
Phone: 215-349-5730
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366