Selected Publications
Rendle K.A., Saia C.A., Vachani A., Burnett-Hartman A.N., Doria-Rose V.P., Beucker S., Neslund-Dudas C., Oshiro C., Kim R.Y., Elston-Lafata J., Honda S.A., Ritzwoller D., Wainwright J.V., Mitra N., Greenlee R.T.: Rates of Downstream Procedures and Complications Associated With Lung Cancer Screening in Routine Clinical Practice: A Retrospective Cohort Study Ann Intern Med 177 (1): 18-28,2024 .
Ost DE, Maldonado F, Shafrin J, Kim J, Marin MA, Amos TB, Hertz DS, Kalsekar I, Vachani A.: Economic Value of Bronchoscopy Technologies that Improves Sensitivity for Malignancy for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions Ann Am Thorac Soc 21 (12): 1759-1769,2024.
Mazzone PJ, Bach PB, Carey J, Schonewolf CA, Bognar K, Ahluwalia MS, Cruz-Correa M, Gierada D, Kotagiri S, Lloyd K, Maldonado F, Ortendahl JD, Sequist LV, Silvestri GA, Tanner N, Thompson JC, Vachani A, Wong KK, Zaidi AH, Catallini J, Gershman A, Lumbard K, Millberg LK, Nawrocki J, Portwood C, Rangnekar A, Sheridan CC, Trivedi N, Wu T, Zong Y, Cotton L, Ryan A, Cisar C, Leal A, Dracopoli NC, Scharpf RB, Velculescu VE, Pike LRG.: Clinical validation of a cell-free DNA fragmentome assay for augmentation of lung cancer early detection Cancer Discov 14 (11): 2224-2242,2024.
Wainwright JV, Aggarwal C, Beucker S, Dougherty DW, Gabriel PE, Jacobs LA, Kalman J, Linn KA, Martella AO, Mehta SJ, Rhodes CM, Roy M, Schapira MM, Shulman LN, Steltz J, Stephens Shields AJ, Tan ASL, Thompson JC, Toneff H, Wender RC, Zeb S, Rendle KA, Vachani A, Bekelman JE; Penn TRACE.: University of Pennsylvania Telehealth Research Center of Excellence J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2024 : 62-69,2024.
Rendle KA, Tan ASL, Spring B, Bange EM, Lipitz-Snyderman A, Morris MJ, Makarov DV, Daly R, Garcia SF, Hitsman B, Ogedegbe O, Phillips S, Sherman SE, Stetson PD, Vachani A, Wainwright JV, Zullig LL, Bekelman JE.: A Framework for Integrating Telehealth Equitably across the cancer care continuum J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2024 : 92-99,2024.
Shafrin J, Kim J, Marin M, Ramsagar S, Davies ML, Stewart K, Kalsekar I, Vachani A.: Quantifying the Value of Reduced Health Disparities: Low-Dose Computed Tomography Lung Cancer Screening of High-Risk Individuals Within the United States Value Health 27 (3): 313-321,2024.
Neslund-Dudas C, Tang A, Alleman E, Zarins KR, Li P, Simoff MJ, Lafata JE, Rendle KA, Hartman ANB, Honda SA, Oshiro C, Olaiya O, Greenlee RT, Vachani A, Ritzwoller DP: Uptake of Lung Cancer Screening CT After a Provider Order for Screening in the PROSPR-Lung Consortium J Gen Intern Med 39 (2): 186-94,2024.
Bowles A, Perez C, Vachani A, Steltz J, Rose B, Bryant AK, Eyre H, DuVall SL, Lynch JA, Alba PR.: An NLP Framework for the Extraction of Concept Measurements from Radiology and Pathology Notes Stud Health Technol Inform 310 : 1446-1447,2024.
Janssen EM, Smith IP, Liu X, Pierce A, Huang Q, Kalsekar I, Vachani A, Mansfield C: Patient Preferences for Lung Cancer Interception Therapy JAMA Netw Open 6 (11): e2342681,2023.
Burnett-Hartman AN, Powers JD, Hixon BP, Carroll NM, Frankland TB, Honda SA, Saia C, Rendle KA, Greenlee RT, Neslund-Dudas C, Zheng Y, Vachani A, Ritzwoller DP: Development of an Electronic Health Record-Based Algorithm for Predicting Lung Cancer Screening Eligibility in the Population-Based Research to Optimize the Screening Process Lung Research Consortium. JCO Clin Cancer Inform : e2300063,2023.
Academic Contact Information
Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Division
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Suite 216, Stemmler Hall
3450 Hamilton Walk
Phone: 215-573-7931
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366