Selected Publications
Miller, W.T., Patterson, K.C., Sood, S., Schmitt, J.E., Wani, A.A., Borden, R., Galperin-Aisenberg, M., Porteus, M.K., Hershman, M.L., Hewitt, M., Levy, J., Babatunde, V.D., Glushko, T., Niesen, T.J., Leshchinskiy, S., Sahakyan, K., Desai, K., Gillman, J.A., Reddy, S., Shriver, M., Linna, N.B., Noor, A.M., Buz, A., Biron, M.E. and Simpson, S.: A Validated Model for the Imaging Diagnosis of Cystic Lung Disease Open Journal of Radiology 13 (1): 42-57,2023.
Chesley CF, Lane-Fall MB, Panchanadam V, Harhay MO, Wani AA, Mikkelsen ME, Fuchs BD.: Racial Disparities in Occult Hypoxemia and Clinically Based Mitigation Strategies to Apply in Advance of Technological Advancements Respir Care 67 (12): 1499-1507,2022.
Anesi GL, Jablonski J, Harhay MO, Atkins JH, Bajaj J, Baston C, Brennan PJ, Candeloro CL, Catalano LM, Cereda MF, Chandler JM, Christie JD, Collins T, Courtright KR, Fuchs BD, Gordon E, Greenwood JC, Gudowski S, Hanish A, Hanson CW 3rd, Heuer M, Kinniry P, Kornfield ZN, Kruse GB, Lane-Fall M, Martin ND, Mikkelsen ME, Negoianu D, Pascual JL, Patel MB, Pugliese SC, Qasim ZA, Reilly JP, Salmon J, Schweickert WD, Scott MJ, Shashaty MGS, Sicoutris CP, Wang JK, Wang W, Wani AA, Anderson BJ, Gutsche JT.: Characteristics, Outcomes, and Trends of Patients With COVID-19-Related Critical Illness at a Learning Health System in the United States Ann Intern Med 174 (5): 613-631,2021.
Jennifer Claire Ginestra, MD, Joshua Atkins, MD, PhD, Mark Mikkelsen, MD, MSCE, Oscar J.L. Mitchell, MD, Jacob Gutsche, MD, Juliane Jablonski, DNP, RN, CCRN, CCNS, Venkat Panchanadam, PhD, Paul Junker, MS, William Schweickert, MD, George Anesi, MD, MSCE, MBE, Brian Anderson, MD, MSCE, Margarete Pierce, MS, RRT, CPFT, Barry David Fuchs, MD, MS & Arshad A. Wani, MD: The I-READI Quality and Safety Framework: A Health System’s Response to Airway Complications in Mechanically Ventilated Patients with Covid-19 NEJM Catalyst 2 (1): published on-line,2021.
Fernandez G, Dunn S, Nieves C, Melhado K, Lehr G, Wani AA, Garrido G.: Predictors of Post-extubation Dysphagia in Non-Stroke Patients. CHEST : 2015.
Sasankan S, Chandorkar A, Nathan R, Khanna S, Varadi G, Wani AA.: Imatinib Mesylate: A novel treatment option for bleomycin induced lung injury? American College of Physicians : 2015.
Franco-Elizondo, R, Gupta, S, Mora, J, Murali, G, Wani, AA: Ultrasound measurement of anterior neck soft tissue thickness and its correlation with obstructive sleep apnea European Respiratory Society : 2014.
Cadavid, J, Wani, AA: A 68 year-old woman with fever, atelectasis and nodular endobronchial lesions Chest 139 (1): 208-211,2011.
Hamed, R, Gianella, GE, Sondhi, DS, Wani, AA, Lippmann, ML: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma: A community hospital's experience and literature review Clinical Pulmonary Medicine 13 (5): 301-306,2006.
Wani, AA, Murali, B, Lippmann, ML: Placental site trophoblastic tumor: A case of extensive pulmonary metastasis. Chest 126 (4): 990S,2004.
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