Description of Research Expertise
elective oocyte cryopreservation
Selected Publications
Stylli EM, Martin CE, Hong CX, McLaughlin HD, Janke MJ, Shah DK, Humphries LA: Matching during a crisis: recruitment of reproductive endocrinology and infertility fellows outside of the formal match process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fertil Steril : 2025 In press.
Humphries LA, Applebaum J, Mainigi MA, Martin CE, Shah DK: Predicting a successful match among applicants to reproductive endocrinology and infertility fellowship. Fertil Steril 123(2):333-341 : 2025.
Miranian D, Pattipati S, Rajpal S, Lee IT, Weiss MS, Gracia C, Martin CE: Consider this: A Survey of Oncofertility Services and Charges: Taking the Pulse of US IVF Centers. Feritl Steril Online : 2025.
Peipert BJ, Stylli EM, Koepler NC, Martin CE: Differences in resource utilization between natural and programmed frozen embryo transfer cycles at a single academic fertility practice.
Fertil Steril online 122(4) (Supplement E334): 2024.
Pepin A, Chesnokova A, Pishko A, Gysler S, Martin C, Smith E, Kassick M, Taunk NK: Hormone Replacement Therapy in Patients with Gynecologic Cancer and Radiation-Induced Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys S0360-3016(24)03511-9 : 2024.
Stylli EM, Martin CE, Hong CX, Shah DK, Humphries LA: Matching during a crisis: Recruitment of reproductive endocrinology and infertility fellows outside of the formal match process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fertil Steril online 122(4) (Supplement E8): 2024.
Pollie M, Martin CE, Rush MA, Carlson C, Senapati S, Ginsberg J, Gracia C: Ovarian tissue Cryopreservation: Characterizing Patient-Factor. Fertil Steril online 122(4) (Supplement E314-E315): 2024.
Applebaum J Humphries, LA, Kohler A, Kim E, Shah DK, Martin C: Medical malpractice claims faced by U.S. obstetrics and gynecology fellowship applicants. Proceedings of the Society of Academic Specialists in General Obstetrics and Gynecology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA : 2024.
Humphries LA, Applebaum J, Kohler A, Kim E, Martin C, Shah DK: Pathway to Fellowship: Predictors of Match Outcome for OB/GYN Fellowships. 2024 CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX : 2024.
Veade A, Martin C, Dombrowski M, Omurtag K: Investing in female physician fertility benefits to improve long-term physician retention. Am J Obstet Gynecol 229(3):352-353 : 2023.
Academic Contact Information
Penn Fertility Care
3701 Market St, 8th Floor
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366