Selected Publications
Jenna L Miller, Caroline F. Gentile Kruse, Tony Pinto, Karrima Owens, Andrea L.C. Schneider, Christina Blum: Trends in ED Length of Stay and Timely Follow-Up Care After Implementation of an ED TIA Pathway Neurohospitalist Society Conference : 2024.
Jenna L Miller, Caroline F. Gentile Kruse, Tony Pinto, Karrima Owens, Andrea L.C. Schneider, Christina Blum: Implementation of a Clinical Pathway to Improve Time to Antiplatelet Therapy for Patients with TIA in the Emergency Department Neurohospitalist Society Conference : 2024.
James JG, Wechsler LR, Blum CA, Bae CJ, Tropea TF: Provider Impressions of Inpatient Teleneurology Consultation Neurology Clinical Practice 14 (3): 2024.
Laura Stein, Jon Pomeroy, Melissa Spahr, Karlie Scavicchio, Aaron Rothstein, Ujwala Tambe, Christina Blum, Daniel Cristancho, Megan Yellareddigari, Karrima Owens, Michele Sellers, Colin Hoey: "Stroke Tracking: Improving Core Measure Compliance Tracking & Efficiency" International Stroke Conference : 2024.
Karrima Owens, Christina Blum, Mark Cort, Paul Novello, Ellen McPartland, Michele Sellers, Laura Stein, Colin Hoey, Aaron Rothstein: "An Expedited Transfer Process Improves Door In Door Out Times" International Stroke Conference
Nursing Symposium
Podium Presentation : 2024.
Michele Cellers, Laura A Stein, Karrima C Owens, Christina Blum, Catherine Schmitt: "Use of EHR Based System Improves Stroke Alerting Process in the Emergency Department International Stroke Conference
Nursing Symposium : 2024.
Michele Sellers, Laura Stein, Karrima Owens, Christina Blum, Catherine Schmitt: “Use of EHR Based System Improves Stroke Alerting Process in the Emergency Department.” International Stroke Conference-Nursing Symposium : 2024.
Julio A Chalela, Christina A Blum: Acute toxic-metabolic encephalopathy in adults UptoDate : 2021.
Daniel Cristancho, Hannach Machemehl, Chistina Blum: Delaying tPA Decision Impacts Overall Stroke Alert Efficiency: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve tPA Door to Needle Times American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting : 2020.
Miller EC, Blum C, Rostanski SK: Developing A Stroke Center Stroke 48 (7): e155-e156,2017.
Academic Contact Information
51 N. 39th St.
Medical Office Building Suite 305
Phone: 215-662-8581