Selected Publications
Sun L, Cohen RB, D'Avella CA, Singh AP, Schoenfeld JD, Hanna GJ.: Overall Survival, Treatment Duration, and Rechallenge Outcomes With ICI Therapy for Recurrent or Metastatic HNSCC JAMA Netw Open 7 : e2428526,2024.
Christopher D'Avella, Meredith Doherty, E. Paul Wileyto, Jason Ma, Suzanne Walker, Jessica Jacoby, Chelsea Brown, Chiu Yi Tan, Tamara Cadet: Financial toxicity screening in an urban underserved patient population with cancer ASCO Quality Symposium : 2024.
Shannon Ugarte, Christopher D'Avella, Peter Edward Gabriel, Christine Agnes Ciunci, Megan Roy, Amy Schwartz, Katie Boyk, Suzanne Walker, Jessica Tindall, and David W. Dougherty: The cancer diagnostic clinic: A rapid access clinic to improve outcomes for patients with a suspected cancer diagnosis ASCO Quality Care Symposium Meeting : 2024.
Barsouk A, Friedes C, Iocolano M, Doucette A, Cohen RB, Robinson KW, D'Avella CA, Marmarelis ME, Kosteva JA, Singh AP, Ciunci CA, Levin WP, Cengel KA, Bradley JD, Feigenberg SJ, Sun L, Aggarwal C, Langer CJ, Yegya-Raman N.: Plunging Into the PACIFIC: Outcomes of Patients With Unresectable KRAS-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Following Definitive Chemoradiation and Durvalumab Consolidation Clin Lung Cancer : 2024.
Meredith Doherty, Kellie Bresz, Kimberly Guglielmo, Christopher Davella, Tamara Cadet, Suzanne Walker, Paul Wileyto: Does financial advocacy improve appointment keeping in patients receiving chemotherapy? ASCO Quality Care Symposium : 2023.
Friedes C, Yegya-Raman N, Zhang S, Iocolano M, Cohen RB, Aggarwal C, Thompson JC, Marmarelis ME, Levin WP, Cengel KA, Ciunci CA, Singh AP, D'Avella C, Davis CW, Langer CJ, Feigenberg SJ.: Patterns of Failure in Metastatic NSCLC Treated With First Line Pembrolizumab and Use of Local Therapy in Patients With Oligoprogression Clin Lung Cancer : 2023.
Aggarwal C, Maity AP, Bauml JM, Long Q, Aleman T, Ciunci C, D'Avella C, Volpe M, Anderson E, Jones LM, Sun L, Singh AP, Marmarelis ME, Cohen RB, Langer CJ, Amaravadi R.: A Phase II Open-Label Trial of Binimetinib and Hydroxychloroquine in Patients With Advanced KRAS-Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Oncologist 28 : 644-e564,2023.
Christopher Davella, Erin Mary Bange, Aditi Puri Singh, David W. Dougherty, Peter Edward Gabriel, Rebecca Lawrence Maniago, Jennifer Miao, Colin Harvey, Marcello Ricottone, Lawrence N. Shulman: Clinical pathways innovation: A lesson on the value of clinician based feedback and collaboration with Flatiron Health. ASCO Annual Meeting : 2023.
Yegya-Raman N, Friedes C, Sun L, Iocolano M, Kim KN, Doucette A, Cohen RB, Robinson KW, Levin WP, Cengel KA, Lally B, Agarwal M, D'Avella CA, Marmarelis ME, Kosteva JA, Singh AP, Ciunci CA, Aggarwal C, Berman AT, Langer CJ, Feigenberg SJ.: Utilization and Factors Precluding Receipt of Checkpoint Inhibitor Consolidation for Stage III NSCLC in a Large US Academic Health System Clin Lung Cancer : 2023.
Tompkins WP, Hwang WT, Yang YX, Singh A, Ciunci C, D'Avella C, Aggarwal C, Cohen RB, Langer CJ, Mamtani R, Marmarelis ME.: Brief Report: Second-line treatment outcomes in patients with advanced NSCLC previously treated with first-line immunotherapy regimens Clin Lung Cancer : 2023.
Academic Contact Information
Abramson Cancer Center Penn Presbyterian, 51 North 39th Street, Suite 100
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366