Selected Publications
Tison A, Jousse-Joulin S, Consigny M, Moog P, Hofauer B, Hachulla E, Lamotte C, Morel J, Mouterde G, Milic V, Bootsma H, Stel A, Fisher BA, Maybury M, Baer A, DiRenzo D, Kim HR, Min HK, Lee SS, Choi SE, Alegria GC, Boisramé S, Guellec D, Cornec D, Quéré B, Jonsson M, Hammenfors D, Saraux A, Devauchelle-Pensec V: Are ultrasound salivary parenchymal lesions more severe in primary Sjögren patients with a longer disease duration? A cross-sectional study Rheumatology (Oxford) : 2024.
Dayno, R., George, M., Blum, M., DeQuattro, K., Kolasinski, S., DiRenzo, D: Description of Self-Efficacy for Managing Symptoms and Emotions in a Large Rheumatology Clinic Population Clin Exp Rheumatol : 2024.
Hunt, C, Letzen, J, DiRenzo, D, Gould, N, Sibinga, E, Vetter, M, Webb, C, Finan, P, Mun, CJ: The self-efficacy for regular meditation practice scale (SERMS): Development and psychometric validation. Journal of Health Psychology 0 (0): 2024.
Romich E, Saygin D, DiRenzo D, Mecoli CA, de Groot I, Lodin K, Regardt M, Sarver C, Kim JY, Park JK, Beer K, Needham M, Alexanderson H, Christopher-Stine L, de Visser M, Raaphorst J.: Construct validity of PROMIS pain interference, fatigue, and physical function as patient-reported outcomes in adults with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: An international study from the OMERACT myositis working group Semin Arthritis Rheum 68 : 152534,2024.
Saygin D, Alexanderson H, DiRenzo D, Raaphorst J, de Visser M, Ren D, Regardt M, de Groot I, Sarver C, Kim JY, Lodin K, Beer K, Needham M, Park JK, Christopher-Stine L, Mecoli CA: The impact of pain on daily activities in patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: Report from the OMERACT myositis working group. Semin Arthritis Rheum 67 : 152476,2024.
Wallwork RS, Kotzin JJ, Cappelli LC, Mecoli C, Bingham CO 3rd, Wigley FM, Wilson PC, DiRenzo DD, Shah AA: Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in patients with cancer and pre-existing systemic sclerosis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 4 (67): 2024.
Quéré B, Saraux A, Carvajal-Alegria G, Guellec D, Mouterde G, Lamotte C, Hammenfors D, Jonsson M, Choi SE, Hong-Ki M, Stel A, Fisher BA, Maybury M, Hofauer B, Ferro F, Milic V, Direnzo D, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Jousse-Joulin S: Reliability Exercise of Ultrasound Salivary Glands in Sjögren's Disease: An International Web Training Initiative Rheumatol Ther : 2024.
DiRenzo D, Barrett FS, Perin J, Darrah E, Christopher-Stine L, Griffiths RR: Impact of Psilocybin on Peripheral Cytokine Production Psychedelic Medicine 2 (2): 2024.
Gordon RA, Nguyen Y, Foulquier N, Beydon M, Gheita TA, Hajji R, Sahbudin I, Hoi A, Ng WF, Mendonça JA, Wallace DJ, Shea B, Bruyn GA, Goodman SM, Fisher BA, Baldini C, Torralba KD, Bootsma H, Akpek EK, Karakus S, Baer AN, Chakravarty SD, Terslev L, D'Agostino MA, Mariette X, DiRenzo D, Rasmussen A, Papas A, Montoya C, Arends S, Yusof MYM, Pintilie I, Warner BM, Hammitt KM, Strand V, Bouillot C, Tugwell P, Inanc N, Andreu JL, Wahren-Herlenius M, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Shiboski CH, Benyoussef A, Masli S, Lee AYS, Cornec D, Bowman S, Rischmueller M, McCoy SS, Seror R.: The Sjögren's Working Group: The 2023 OMERACT meeting and provisional domain generation Semin Arthritis Rheum 23 (65): 152378,2024.
Romich E, Zabala Ramirez MJ, Direnzo D, Jain K.: Kidney disease in Sarcoidosis, Sjogren’s Disease, and IgG4-related disease Interdisciplinary Rheumatology: Rheumatology and Nephrology : 116-123,2024.
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3737 Market St
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366