Dwight O. Eichelberger, MD

Family Medicine
headshot of Dwight O. Eichelberger, MD
4.9 with 99 ratings

Sees patients of all ages

Dwight O. Eichelberger, MD

Family Medicine
4.9 with 99 ratings

Sees patients of all ages

  • Medical Director, Analytics and Clinical Decision Support, Lancaster General Health
  • Dr. Eichelberger is a Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health physician.

Not accepting new patients

Meet Dr. Eichelberger

Healthcare takes a team.  From providers to nurses to office staff, everybody has a part to play in your care.  Much of that joint effort is made possible through our electronic health record. Most of my week is focused on optimizing our health record to support your care. My time in the offfice, working with all the team at Family Medicine Norlanco, brings together both our people and our resources to address your health needs. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 

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