Selected Publications
Dorota Marchel, Howard Trachtman, Maria Larkina, Margaret Helmuth, Jennifer Y Lai Yee, Damian Fermin, Andrew S Bomback, Pietro A Canetta, Debbie S Gipson, Amy K Mottl, Rulan S Parekh, Manish K Saha, Matthew G Sampson, Richard A Lafayette, Laura H Mariani: The Significance of Hematuria in Podocytopathies Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 19 ((1):56-66): 56-66,2024.
Chia-Shi Wang, Dorey A Glenn, Margaret Helmuth, Abigail R Smith, Andrew S Bomback, Pietro A Canetta, Gaia M Coppock, Myda Khalid, Katherine R Tuttle, Raed Bou-Matar, Larry A Greenbaum, Bruce M Robinson, Lawrence B Holzman, William E Smoyer, Michelle N Rheault, Debbie Gipson, Laura H Mariani; Cure Glomerulonephropathy (CureGN) Study Consortium: Association of COVID-19 Versus COVID-19 Vaccination With Kidney Function and Disease Activity in Primary Glomerular Disease: A Report of the Cure Glomerulonephropathy Study Am J Kidney Dis 83 ((1):37-46): 2024.
Brad H Rovin, Jonathan Barratt, Hiddo J L Heerspink, Charles E Alpers, Stewart Bieler, Dong-Wan Chae, Ulysses A Diva, Jürgen Floege, Loreto Gesualdo, Jula K Inrig, Donald E Kohan, Radko Komers, Laura Ann Kooienga, Richard Lafayette, Bart Maes, Robert Małecki, Alex Mercer, Irene L Noronha, Se Won Oh, Chen Au Peh, Manuel Praga, Priscila Preciado, Jai Radhakrishnan, Michelle N Rheault, William E Rote, Sydney C W Tang, Vladimir Tesar, Howard Trachtman, Hernán Trimarchi, James A Tumlin, Muh Geot Wong, Vlado Perkovic; DUPRO steering committee and PROTECT Investigators: Efficacy and safety of sparsentan versus irbesartan in patients with IgA nephropathy (PROTECT): 2-year results from a randomised, active-controlled, phase 3 trial Lancet 402 ((10417):2077-2090): 2077-2090,2023.
Michelle N Rheault, Charles E Alpers, Jonathan Barratt, Stewart Bieler, Pietro Canetta, Dong-Wan Chae, Gaia Coppock, Ulysses Diva, Loreto Gesualdo, Hiddo J L Heerspink, Jula K Inrig, Gianna M Kirsztajn, Donald Kohan, Radko Komers, Laura A Kooienga, Kenneth Lieberman, Alex Mercer, Irene L Noronha, Vlado Perkovic, Jai Radhakrishnan, William Rote, Brad Rovin, Vladimir Tesar, Hernán Trimarchi, James Tumlin, Muh Geot Wong, Howard Trachtman; DUPRO Steering Committee and DUPLEX Investigators: Sparsentan versus Irbesartan in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis N Engl J Med 389 (26): 2436-2445,2023.
Mottl AK, Bomback AS, Mariani LH, Coppock G, Jennette JC, Almaani S, Gipson DS, Kelley S, Kidd J, Laurin LP, Mucha K, Oliverio A, Palmer M, Rizk D, Sanghani N, Stokes MB, Susztak K, Wadhwani S, Nast CC.: CureGN-Diabetes Study: Rationale, Design, and Methods of a Prospective Observational Study of Glomerular Disease Patients with Diabetes Glomerular Dis 3 : 155-164,2023.
Heerspink HJL, Radhakrishnan J, Alpers CE, Barratt J, Bieler S, Diva U, Inrig J, Komers R, Mercer A, Noronha IL, Rheault MN, Rote W, Rovin B, Trachtman H, Trimarchi H, Wong MG, Perkovic V; PROTECT Investigators.: Sparsentan in patients with IgA nephropathy: a prespecified interim analysis from a randomised, double-blind, active-controlled clinical trial Lancet 401 (13;401): 1584-1594,2023.
Laura H Mariani, Sean Eddy, Fadhl M AlAkwaa, Phillip J McCown, Jennifer L Harder, Viji Nair, Felix Eichinger, Sebastian Martini, Adebowale D Ademola, Vincent Boima, Heather N Reich, Jamal El Saghir, Bradley Godfrey, Wenjun Ju, Emily C Tanner, Virginia Vega-Warner, Noel L Wys, Sharon G Adler, Gerald B Appel, Ambarish Athavale, Meredith A Atkinson, Serena M Bagnasco, Laura Barisoni, Elizabeth Brown, Daniel C Cattran, Gaia M Coppock, Katherine M Dell, Vimal K Derebail, Fernando C Fervenza, Alessia Fornoni, Crystal A Gadegbeku, Keisha L Gibson, Laurence A Greenbaum, Sangeeta R Hingorani, Michelle A Hladunewich, Jeffrey B Hodgin, Marie C Hogan, Lawrence B Holzman, J Ashley Jefferson, Frederick J Kaskel, Jeffrey B Kopp, Richard A Lafayette, Kevin V Lemley, John C Lieske, Jen-Jar Lin, Rajarasee Menon, Kevin E Meyers, Patrick H Nachman, Cynthia C Nast, Michelle M O'Shaughnessy, Edgar A Otto, Kimberly J Reidy, Kamalanathan K Sambandam, John R Sedor, Christine B Sethna, Pamela Singer, Tarak Srivastava, Cheryl L Tran, Katherine R Tuttle, Suzanne M Vento, Chia-Shi Wang, Akinlolu O Ojo, Dwomoa Adu, Debbie S Gipson, Howard Trachtman, Matthias Kretzler: Precision nephrology identified tumor necrosis factor activation variability in minimal change disease and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Kidney Int 103 ((3);565-579): 2023.
Dhruti P Chen 1, Margaret E Helmuth 2, Abigail R Smith 2, Pietro A Canetta 3, Isabelle Ayoub 4, Krzysztof Mucha 5, Mahmoud Kallash 6, Jeffrey B Kopp 7, Rasheed Gbadegesin 8, Brenda W Gillespie 2, Larry A Greenbaum 9, Rulan S Parekh 10, Tracy E Hunley 11, C John Sperati 12, David T Selewski 13, Jason Kidd 14, Aftab Chishti 15, Kimberly Reidy 3, Amy K Mottl 8, Debbie S Gipson 2, Tarak Srivastava 16, Katherine E Twombley 13; CureGN Consortium: Age of Onset and Disease Course in Biopsy-Proven Minimal Change Disease: An Analysis From the Cure Glomerulonephropathy Network Am J Kidney Dis 81 ((2):695-706.e1): 2023.
Gupta S, Strohbehn IA, Wang Q, Hanna PE, Seethapathy R, Prosek JM, Herrmann SM, Abudayyeh A, Malik AB, Loew S, Carlos CA, Chang WT, Beckerman P, Mithani Z, Shah CV, Renaghan AD, de Seigneux S, Campedel L, Kitchlu A, Shin DS, Coppock G, Lumlertgul N, Garcia P, Ortiz-Melo DI, Rashidi A, Sprangers B, Aggarwal V, Benesova K, Jhaveri KD, Cortazar FB, Weins A, Zuo Y, Mooradian MJ, Reynolds KL, Leaf DE, Sise ME; ICPi-AKI Consortium.: Acute kidney injury in patients receiving pembrolizumab combination therapy versus pembrolizumab monotherapy for advanced lung cancer Kidney Int 102 (4): 930-935,2022.
Gupta S, Garcia-Carro C, Prosek JM, Glezerman I, Herrmann SM, Garcia P, Abudayyeh A, Lumlertgul N, Malik AB, Loew S, Beckerman P, Renaghan AD, Carlos CA, Rashidi A, Mithani Z, Deshpande P, Rangarajan S, Shah CV, Seigneux S, Campedel L, Kitchlu A, Shin DS, Coppock G, Ortiz-Melo DI, Sprangers B, Aggarwal V, Benesova K, Wanchoo R, Murakami N, Cortazar FB, Reynolds KL, Sise ME, Soler MJ, Leaf DE; ICPi-AKI Consortium Investigators.: Shorter versus longer corticosteroid duration and recurrent immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated AKI J Immunother Cancer 10 (9): e005646,2022.
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