Description of Research Expertise
clinical informatics, natural language processing, machine learning, social network analysis
Selected Publications
Weissman GE.: Evaluation and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Medical Devices for Clinical Decision Support Annu Rev Biomed Data Sci : 2025.
Gary E. Weissman, Laura Zwaan, and Sigall K. Bell: Diagnostic scope: the AI can’t see what the mind doesn’t know Diagnosis : 2024.
Herman DS, Reece JT, Weissman GE: Lessons for local oversight of AI in medicine from the regulation of clinical laboratory testing npj Digital Medicine 7 (1): 1-6,2024.
Lee CR, Aysola J, Chen X, Addisu E, Klein A, Weissenbacher D, Gonzalez-Hernandez G, Weissman GE.: Race and Ethnicity and Clinician Linguistic Expressions of Doubt in Hospital Admission Notes JAMA Network Open 7 (10): e2438550,2024.
Alexander T Moffett, Cole Bowerman, Sanja Stanojevic, Nwamaka D Eneanya, Scott D Halpern, Gary E Weissman: Global, Race-Neutral Reference Equations and Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation JAMA Network Open : e2316174,2023.
Jennifer C Ginestra, Rachel Kohn, Rebecca A Hubbard, Catherine Auriemma, Mitesh S Patel, George L Anesi, Meeta Prasad Kerlin, Gary E Weissman: Association of Time of Day with Delays in Antimicrobial Initiation among Ward Patients with Hospital-onset Sepsis Ann Am Thorac Soc : 2023.
Jessica T. Lee, MD, MHS, MSHP1, Alexander T. Moffett, MD, George Maliha, MD, JD, Zahra Faraji, PhD, Genevieve P. Kanter, PhD, Gary E. Weissman, MD, MSHP: Analysis of Devices Authorized by the FDA for Clinical Decision Support in Critical Care JAMA Internal Medicine : 2023.
Gary E. Weissman, MD, MSHP; Karen E. Joynt Maddox, MD, MPH: Guiding Risk Adjustment Models Toward Machine Learning Methods JAMA : 2023.
Anthony J. Nastasi, Katherine R. Courtright, Scott D. Halpern & Gary E. Weissman: A vignette-based evaluation of ChatGPT’s ability to provide appropriate and equitable medical advice across care contexts Scientific Reports 13 : 2023.
Andrea L. C. Schneider, Jennifer C. Ginestra, Meeta Prasad Kerlin, Michael G. S. Shashaty, Todd A. Miano, Daniel S. Herman, Oscar J. L. Mitchell, Rachel Bennett, Alexander T. Moffett, John Chandler, Atul Kalanuria, Zahra Faraji, Nicholas S. Bishop, Benjamin Schmid, Angela T. Chen, Kathryn H. Bowles, Thomas Joseph, Rachel Kohn, Rachel R. Kelz, George L. Anesi, Monisha Kumar, Ari B. Friedman, Emily Vail, Nuala J. Meyer, Blanca E. Himes, Gary E. Weissman: The Complete Inpatient Record Using Comprehensive Electronic Data (CIRCE) project: A team-based approach to clinically validated, research-ready electronic health record data Learning Health Systems : 2024.
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