Selected Publications
Hack M, Wood KL, Bjelic M, Paic F, Vidula H, Cheyne C, Chase K, Tallman M, Bernstein W, Wyrobek JA, Alexis JD, Gosev I.: Less Invasive Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation Is Safe and Feasible in Patients With Smaller Body Surface Area Innovations (Phila) 18 (5): 445-451,2023.
Huang DT, Gosev I, Wood KL, Vidula H, Stevenson W, Marchlinski F, Supple G, Zalawadiya SK, Weiss JP, Tung R, Tzou WS, Moss JD, Kancharla K, Chaudhry SP, Patel PJ, Khan AM, Schuger C, Rozen G, Kiernan MS, Couper GS, Leacche M, Molina EJ, Shah AD, Lloyd M, Sroubek J, Soltesz E, Shivkumar K, White C, Tankut S, Johnson BA, McNitt S, Kutyifa V, Zareba W, Goldenberg I.: Design and characteristics of the prophylactic intra-operative ventricular arrhythmia ablation in high-risk LVAD candidates (PIVATAL) trial Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 28 (5): e13073,2023.
Armenia EM, Mackin ML, Karmilowicz P, Jawaid A, Hannon MV, Bajwa F, Thomas S, Vidula H, Alexis J, Soman P, Schwartz RG.: What is this image? 2023 image 1 results: Precision high-resolution CZT SPECT imaging to evaluate cardiac aTTR amyloidosis J Nucl Cardiol 30 (4): 1301-1307,2023.
Sherazi S, Alexis JD, McNitt S, Polonsky B, Shah S, Younis A, Kutyifa V, Vidula H, Gosev I, Goldenberg I.: Racial differences in clinical characteristics and readmission burden among patients with a left ventricular-assist device Artif Organs 47 (8): 1242-1249,2023.
Thohan V, Abraham J, Burdorf A, Sulemanjee N, Jaski B, Guglin M, Pagani FD, Vidula H, Majure DT, Napier R, Heywood TJ, Cogswell R, Dirckx N, Farrar DJ, Drakos SG; INTELLECT 2-HF Investigators.: Use of a Pulmonary Artery Pressure Sensor to Manage Patients With Left Ventricular Assist Devices Circ Heart Fail 16 (6): e009960,2023.
Iyengar A, Cohen W, Han J, Helmers M, Kelly JJ, Patrick W, Moss N, Molina EJ, Sheikh FH, Houston BA, Tedford RJ, Shore S, Vorovich EE, Hsich EM, Bensitel A, Alexander KM, Chaudhry SP, Vidula H, Kilic A, Genuardi MV, Birati EY, Atluri P.: Effects of Body Mass Index on Presentation and Outcomes of COVID-19 among Heart Transplant and Left Ventricular Assist Device Patients: A Multi-Institutional Study ASAIO J 69 : 43-49,2023.
Aktas MK, Zareba W, Butler J, Younis A, McNitt S, Brown MW, Rao N, Rao N, Steinberg J, Chen L, Alexis JD, Vidula H, Goldenberg I.: Confirm Rx insertable cardiac monitor for primary atrial fibrillation detection in high-risk heart failure patients (Confirm-AF trial) Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 28 (1): e13021,2023.
Chaudhry SP, DeVore AD, Vidula H, Nassif M, Mudy K, Birati EY, Gong T, Atluri P, Pham D, Sun B, Bansal A, Najjar SS; Future Leaders In Growing Heart Failure Therapies (FLIGHT) Investigators.: Left Ventricular Assist Devices: A Primer For the General Cardiologist J Am Heart Assoc 11 : e027251,2022.
Bjelic M, Wood KL, Simon BV, Vidula H, Cheyne C, Chase K, Wu IY, Alexis JD, McNitt S, Goldenberg I, Gosev I.: Left atrial appendage exclusion with less invasive left ventricular assist device implantation J Card Surg 37 (12): 4967-4974,2022.
Bjelic M, Vidula H, Wu IY, McNitt S, Barrus B, Cheyne C, Chase K, Zottola Z, Alexis JD, Goldenberg I, Gosev I.: Impact of surgical approach for left ventricular assist device implantation on postoperative invasive hemodynamics and right ventricular failure J Card Surg 37 (10): 3072-3081,2022.
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