Selected Publications
Karla L Valdes Morales, Daniela Frankel, Mara D Trifoi, Stephanie K Lin, Annika M Deitermann, Marissa Lubeck, Joseph F Sobanko, H William Higgins II, Cerrene N Giordano, Joanna L Walker, Junqian Zhang, Daniel J Lewis, Benjamin Chang, Jason D Wink, Ines C Lin, Stephen J Kovach 3rd, Jeremy R Etzkorn, Christopher J Miller: Nail Unit Melanoma Treated with Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Technique, Local Recurrence Rate, and Surgical Outcomes Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology : 2025 .
Daniela Frankel BS, Karla Valdes-Morales MD, Mara D. Trifoi MD, Stephanie K. Lin MD 4, Annika M. Deitermann MD, Manisha Banala BBA, Esther Zhang BS, Nicole Easo BA, Marissa Lubeck BS, Dylan Haynes MD, Daniel Lewis MD, Shannon T. Nugent MD, Jeremy R. Etzkorn MD, Neha N. Jariwala MD, Junqian Zhang MD, Joanna L. Walker MD, H. William Higgins II MD MBE, Joseph F. Sobanko MD MBA, Cerrene N. Giordano MD, Parnaz Daneshpajouhnejad MD, Mitul Modi MD, Ines C. Lin MD MSEd, Benjamin Chang MD, Jason Wink MD, Giorgos Karakousis MD, John Miura MD, Christopher J. Miller MD: Mohs micrographic surgery reduces the risk of reconstruction with positive margins, repeat surgeries, and time to definitive reconstruction compared to conventional excision of hand and foot melanomas: a retrospective cohort study Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology : 2025.
Balaram Krishna Hanumanthu, Jason Wink, Gustavo Guandalini, Francis E Marchlinski, David S Frankel, Timothy M Markman: Tumescent Local Anesthesia During Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Implantation to Reduce Postoperative Pain Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 17 (12): e013168,2024 .
Jason D. Wink, Irfan Rhemtulla, William Fix, Fabiola Enriquez, Jaclyn Mauch, John Barbieri, Chrisopher J. Miller, Benjamin Chang, Ines C. Lin, Stephen J. Kovach: Reconstruction after Mohs Surgery for Digit Melanoma: Description of Techniques and Postoperative Limb Function Journal of Hand and Microsurgery 16 (1): 2024.
Jay P. Narula, Jason D. Wink MD, Joseph Catapano MD, Christopher L. Forthman MD, Valeriy Shubinets MD: Exploration of the vascular angiosome of the extended lateral arm free flap: A cohort study in cadavers Journal of Orthoplastic Surgery : 2023 .
Wink JD, Gandhi R, Lin IC, Levin SL: Soft tissue coverage for the hand and upper extremity Tips and Tricks in Plastic Surgery : 781-789,2022 .
Lee A, Wink JD, Familusi O, Nathan S, Broach RB, Chang B, Kovach SJ, Miller CJ, Lin IC: Clinical and functional outcomes of squamous cell carcinoma of the hand and wrist treated with Mohs micrographic and reconstructive surgery Orthoplastic Surgery 9 : 65-71,2022.
Wink JD, Ligh CA, Chang B: Carpal bone fractures Essentials of Plastic Surgery, 3rd Edition : 2021.
Ben-Amotz O, Mendenhall S, Wink JD, Levin SL: Wrist pathology Plastic Surgery Principles and Practice : 906-918,2021.
Wink JD, Familusi O, Lin IC: Subungual schwannoma, a rare entity: A case report and literature review Journal of Hand Surgery Asian Pacific Volume 25 (4): 508-512,2020.
Academic Contact Information
Division of Plastic Surgery
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
51 North 39th St., Ste. 266 Wright Saunders Pvln.
Phone: 215-662-9527
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366