Selected Publications
Yingjia Yu, Anastasia Lado, Yue Zhang, John F. Magnotti, Michael S. Beauchamp: Synthetic faces generated with the Facial Action Coding System or deep neural networks improve speech-in-noise perception, but not as much as real faces Frontiers in Neuroscience 18 : 1-11,2024.
John F Magnotti, Anastasia Lado, Michael S Beauchamp: The noisy encoding of disparity model predicts perception of the McGurk effect in native Japanese speakers Frontiers in Neuroscience 18 : 1-10,2024.
John F Magnotti, Anastasia Lado, Yue Zhang, Arnt Maasø, Audarey Nath, Michael S Beauchamp: Repeatedly experiencing the McGurk effect induces long-lasting changes in auditory speech perception Communications Psychology 2 : 1-10,2024.
Zhengjia Wang, John F Magnotti, Xiang Zhang, & Michael S Beauchamp: YAEL: Your Advanced Electrode Localizer eNeuro 10 (10): ENEURO.0328-23.2023,2023.
Brian A Metzger, Prathik Kalva, Madaline M Mocchi, Brian Cui, Joshua A Adkinson, Zhengjia Wang, Raissa Mathura, Kourtney Kanja, Jay Gavvala, Vaishnav Krishnan, Lu Lin, Atul Maheshwari, Ben Shofty, John F Magnotti, Jon T Willie, Sameer A Sheth, Kelly R Bijanki: Intracranial stimulation and EEG feature analysis reveal affective salience network specialization Brain 146 (10): 4366-4377,2023.
Subash P, Gray A, Boswell M, Cohen S, Garner R, Salehi S, Fisher C, Hobel S, Ghosh S, Halchenko Y, Dichter B, Poldrack R, Markiewicz C, Hermes D, Delorme A, Makeig S, Behan B, Sparks A, Arnott S, Wang Z, Magnotti J, Beauchamp M, Pouratian N, Toga A, Duncan D. A: Comparison of Neuroelectrophysiology Databases Scientific Data 10 (1): 719,2023.
Zhang Y, Rennig J, Magnotti JF, Beauchamp MS: Multivariate fMRI responses in superior temporal cortex predict visual contributions to, and individual differences in, the intelligibility of noisy speech Neuroimage 278 : 120271,2023.
Magnotti JF, Patterson JS, Schnur TT: Using predictive validity to compare associations between brain damage and behavior Human Brain Mapping 44 (13): 4738-4753,2023.
Ken Leising, John Magnotti, Cheyenne Elliott, Jordan Nerz, Anthony Wright: Properties of iconic and visuospatial working memory in pigeons and humans using a location change-detection procedure Learning & Behavior 51 (3): 228-245,2023.
Wang, Zhengjia;, Magnotti, John F; Beauchamp, Michael S.; & Li Meng: Functional Group Bridge for Simultaneous Regression and Support Estimation Biometrics 79 (2): 1226-1238,2023.
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