Selected Publications
Briana Ketterer, Laura Dingfield, Katie H. Stowers, Katherine Morrison, Amos Bailey, Hilary Flint, Gary Buckholz, Laura J. Morrison, Holly Yang, Stephen Berns: AAHPM Assessment Workgroup: Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship Assessment Needs & Directions Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 69 (3): e220-e227,2025.
Janae Heath, Shannon Devlin, Richard Leiter, Elizabeth Lindenberger, Jaclyn Shameklis, Laura Dingfield: Innovating in Graduate Medical Specialty Training Targeting Mid-Career Physicians: A Novel Time Variable Competency-Based Fellowship Program in Hospice and Palliative Medicine Academic Medicine : 2025.
Shameklis J, Devlin S, Mullin J, Shalman D, Leiter RE, Biewald MA, Nijjar A, Martin R, Doyle KP, Cipta A, and Dingfield L.: Competency Based Fellowship Impact on Traditional HPM Fellowship Experience Poster Presentation, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Annual Assembly. Phoenix, AZ. : 2025.
Biewald M, Cipta A, Leiter A, Shameklis J, Dingfield L: Trainee Perceptions of a Competency-Based Mid-Career Fellowship in Hospice and Palliative Medicine Journal of Palliative Medicine 27 (11): 1522-1526,2024.
Hachem Y, Lakin J, Teuteberg W, Cullinan A, Gonzales MJ, Lindvall C, Kumar P, Dingfield L, Kilpatrick L, Greenwald J, Miller A, Keeney T, Fromme EK, and Paladino J: Electronic Health Record Serious Illness Conversation Dashboards: An Implementation Case Series Journal of Pain and Symptom Management : 2024.
Kosinski E, Dingfield L, and Bird A.: Improving Rates of Advanced Care Planning in a Resident Primary Care Clinic Poster Presentation, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. : 2024.
Muenzen R, Dingfield L.: Symptom Management in a Patient with Adrenocortical Carcinoma – Targeting Glucocorticoid and Androgen Excess Poster Presentation, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Annual Assembly. Phoenix, AZ. : 2024.
Sagin A, Balmer D, Musheno R, Olenik JM, Dingfield L, Bennett NL, Dine CJ.: Lifelong Learning Indicators in Medical Students After a Novel Communication Skills Session J Pain Symptom Management : 2024.
Sagin A, Balmer D, Musheno R, Olenik J, Dingfield L, Dine CJ, Bennett N: Use of the Context Input Process Product Model for Evaluation of a Novel Palliative Care Curriculum for Medical Students Poster Presentation, Learn Serve Lead 2023: The AAMC Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. : 2023.
Dingfield, L: Hospice and Palliative Medicine Advisory Committee Guides Specialty Physician Certification AAHPM Quarterly : 2023.
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