Selected Publications
Ciccotti MC, Looney AM, Johnson EE, Hadley CJ, Zoga A, Nazarian L, Ciccotti MG.: A Prospective, Randomized Trial of the Modified Jobe Versus Docking Techniques With Gracilis Autograft for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction in the Elbow. Am J Sports Med 53 (2): 447-462,2025.
Garza-Baez P, Allison SJ, Nazarian LN: Approach to evaluating superficial soft tissue masses by ultrasound Radiol Clin N Am 63 : 109-122,2025.
Chew E, Day AL, Nazarian LN, Kohler M.: Basic musculoskeletal ultrasound. Med Clin N Am 109 : 136-161,2025.
Looney AM, Day HK, Reddy MP, Paul RW, Nazarian LN, Cohen SB.: Prevalence of Bilateral Ulnar Nerve Subluxation Among Professional Baseball Pitchers J Shoulder Elbow Surg 33 (3): 550-555,2024.
Looney AM, Day HK, Reddy MP, Paul RW, Nazarian LN, Cohen SB.: Physical Examination Versus Ultrasonography for Detection of Ulnar Nerve Subluxation in Professional Baseball Pitchers. Orthop J Sports Med Orthop J Sports Med 11 (11): 2023 Nov 7;11(11):23259671231208234,2023.
Paul RW, Osman A, Nazarian L, Ciccotti MG, Cohen SB, Erickson BJ, Buchheit P, Rauch J, Thomas SJ.: The Elbow is Connected to the Shoulder! A Regression Analysis of Shoulder and Elbow. American Society of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists (ASSET) 2023 Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ : 2023.
Ciccotti MC, Paul RW, Gawel RJ, Erickson BJ, Dodson CC, Cohen SB, Nazarian LN, Ciccotti MG: In Vivo effect of Partial Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear Location on Ulnohumeral Joint Gapping With Stress Ultrasound in Baseball Pitchers Am J Sports Med 16 : 2023.
Averill LW, Kraft DB, Sabado JJ, Atanda A, Long SS, Nazarian LN.: Ultrasonography of the pediatric elbow. Pediatr Radiol 53 (8): 1526-1538,2023.
Wessner CE, Blackman R, Pomeranz C, Hoy M, Bradigan K, Nazarian L, Lyshchik A, Forsberg F.: Can non-invasive subharmonic aided pressure estimation diagnose chronic exertional compartment syndrome? Proceedings of the 2023 UltraCon meeting of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Orlando, FL : 2023.
Reeves RA, Miller CJ, Wang D, Ng A, Heller JE, Nazarian LN.: Use of high-resolution ultrasound to guide alcohol neurolysis for chronic pain. Pain Physician 25 (8): E1296-E1303,2022.
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