Selected Publications
Neergard, R., Jones, N., Roebuck, C., Rendle, K.A., Barbati, Z., Peterson, B., Tebas, P., Mounzer, K.C., Metzger, D.S., Montaner, L.J.: “I know that I was a part of making a difference”: Participant motivations for joining a cure-directed HIV trial with an analytical treatment interruption AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses : 2023.
Dubé, K., Peterson, B., Jones, N.L., Onorato, A., Carter, W.B., Dannaway, C., Johnson, S., Hayes, R., Hill, M., Maddox, R., Riley, J.L., Shull, J., Metzger, D., Montaner, L.J: Community Engagement Group Model in Basic and Biomedical Research: Lessons Learned from the BEAT-HIV Delaney Collaboratory Towards an HIV-1 Cure Research Involvement & Engagement 2023 : 2023.
Tietjen, I., Schonhofer, C., Sciorillo, A., Naidu, M.E., Haq, Z., Kannan, T., Kossenkov, A.V., Rivera-Ortiz, J., Mounzer, K., Hart, C., Gyampoh, K., Yuan. Z., Beattie, K.D., Rali, T., Shuda McGuire, K., Davis, R.A., Montaner, L.J.: The natural stilbenoid (-)-hopeaphenol inhibits HIV transcription by targeting both PKC- and NK-kappaB-signaling and cyclin-dependent kinase 9 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy : 2023.
Zhou, W., Liu, H., Yuan, Z., Zundell, J., Towers, M., Lin, J., Lombardi, S., Nie, H., Britten, B. Yang, T., Wang, C., Liao, L., Goldman, A., Kannan, T., Kossenkov, A., Drapkin, R., Montaner, L.J., Claiborne, D., Zhang, N. Wu, S., Zhang, R.: Targeting the mevalongate pathway suppresses ARID1A inactivated cancers by driving pyroptosis Cancer Cell : 2023.
Tebas, P., Lynn, K.M., Azzoni, L., Cocchella, G., Papasavvas, E., Fair, M., Reeves, J.D., Petropoulos, C., Lalley-Chareczko, L., Kostman, J.R., Short, W.R., Mounzer, K., Montaner, L.J.: Susceptibility to 3BNC117 and 10-1074 in ART suppressed chronically infected persons AIDS : 2023.
Zhang, C., Lum, K.Y., Taki, A.C., Gasser, R.B., Byrne, J.J., Montaner, L.J., Tietjen, I., Avery, V.M., Davis, R.A.: Using a bioactive Eremophila-derived serrulatane scaffold to generate a unique carbamate library for anti-infective evaluations Journal of Natural Products : 2023.
Schnoor, M., Scott, M.J., Montaner, L.J.: Reinvigorating the JLB experience J. Leukoc. Biol. : 2023.
Williams, D.E., Cassel, J., Zhu, J.L., Yang, J.X., de Voogd, N.J., Matainaho, T., Salvino, J.M., Wang, Y.A., Montaner, L.J., Tietjen, I., Andersen, R.J.: Thorectidiol Isolated from the Marine Sponge Dactylospongia elegans Disrupts Interactions of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor Binding Domain with the Host ACE2 Receptor J Nat Prod. : 2023.
Islam, M.S., Wang, X., Abdel-Mohsen, M., Chen, X. Montaner, L.J.: Tissue injury and leukocyte changes in post-acute SARS-CoV-2: Review of 2833 post-acute patient outcomes per immune dysregulation and microbrial translocation in long COVID Journal of Leukocyte Biology : 2023.
Yuan, Z., Giron, L., Hart, C., Gyampoh, A., Koshy, J., Hong, K.Y., Niki, T., Premeaux, T.A., Ndhlovu, L.C., Montaner, L.J.*, Abdel-Mohsen, M.*: Human galectin-9 promotes the expansion of HIV reservoirs in vivo in humanized mice AIDS : 2023.
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