Selected Publications
Bert Callewaert, Eva Vanbelleghem, Tim Van Damme, Aude Beyens, Sofie Symoens, Kathleen Claes, Julie De Backer, Ilse Meerschaut, Floris Vanommeslaeghe, Sighurd Delanghe, Jenneke Van den Ende, Tessi Beyltjens, Eleanor Scimone, Mark Lindsay, Lisa Schimmenti, Alicia Hinze, Emily Dunn, Natalia Gomez-Ospina, Isabelle Vandernoot, Thomas Delguste, Sandra Coppens, Valérie Cormier-Daire, Marco Tartaglia, Livia Garavelli, Joseph Shieh, Senol Demir, Esra Arslan Ateş, Martin Zenker, Mersedeh Rohanizadegan, Greysha Rivera-Cruz, Sofia Douzgou Houge, Myhre Syndrome Foundation, and Angela Lin: Myhre syndrome in adulthood: clinical variability and emerging genotype-phenotype correlations European Journal of Medical Genetics : 2024.
Spisak S, Tisza V, Nuzzo PV, Seo JH, Pataki B, Ribli D, Sztupinszki Z, Bell C, Rohanizadegan M, Stillman DR, Alaiwi SA, Bartels AB, Papp M, Shetty A, Abbasi F, Lin X, Lawrenson K, Gayther SA, Pomerantz M, Baca S, Solymosi N, Csabai I, Szallasi Z, Gusev A, Freedman ML.: A biallelic multiple nucleotide length polymorphism explains functional causality at 5p15.33 prostate cancer risk locus Nat Commun 14 : 5118,2023.
Rohanizadegan M, Stokes S, Schneider KA, George S, Merriam P, Garber JE: Landscape of germline pathogenic variants in cancer susceptibility genes in patients with sarcoma. American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) annual meeting, Hybrid : 2022.
Rohanizadegan M, Kipnis L, Stokes S, Bychkovsky BL, Scheib RG, Rana HQ, Garber JE: Casting a Wide Net: Finding actionable results in non-breast cancer genes on multi-gene panel testing in a breast cancer cohort. American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) annual meeting, Virtual : 2021.
Rohanizadegan M, Tracy S, Galarreta CI, Poorvu T, Buchmiller TL, Bird LM, Estroff JA, Tan WH: Genetic diagnoses and associated anomalies in fetuses prenatally diagnosed with esophageal atresia Am J Med Genet A 182 (8): 1890-1895,2020.
Rohanizadegan M, Siddharath A, Retterer K, Hung C, Bodamer O: The tale of two genes: from next-generation sequencing to phenotype Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 6 (2): a004846,2020.
Bowler TG, Pradhan K, Kong Y, Bartenstein M, Morrone KA, Sridharan A, Kessel RM, Shastri A, Giricz O, Bhagat TD, Gordon-Mitchell S, Rohanizadegan M, Hooda L, Datt I, Przychodzen BP, Parmar S, Maqbool S, Maciejewski JP, Steidl U, Greally JM, Verma A: Misidentification of MLL3 and other mutations in cancer due to highly homologous genomic regions Leuk Lymphoma 60 (13): 3132-3137,2019.
Steers NJ, Li Y, Drace Z, D'Addario JA, Fischman C, Liu L, Xu K, Na YJ, Neugut YD, Zhang JY, Sterken R, Balderes O, Bradbury D, Ozturk N, Ozay F, Goswami S, Mehl K, Wold J, Jelloul FZ, Rohanizadegan M, Gillies CE, Vasilescu EM, Vlad G, Ko YA, Mohan S, Radhakrishnan J, Cohen DJ, Ratner LE, Scolari F, Susztak K, Sampson MG, Deaglio S, Caliskan Y, Barasch J, Courtney AE, Maxwell AP, McKnight AJ, Ionita-Laza I, Bakker SJL, Snieder H, de Borst MH, D'Agati V, Amoroso A, Gharavi AG, Kiryluk K.: Genomic Mismatch at LIMS1 Locus and Kidney Allograft Rejection N Engl J Med 380 (20): 1918-1928,2019.
Rohanizadegan M, Kulkarni S: Transformational role of liquid biopsy in diagnosis and treatment of cancer Cancer Genet 228-229 : 129-130,2018.
Rohanizadegan M: Analysis of circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker Cancer Genet 228-229 : 159-168,2018.
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