Selected Publications
Saur NM, Davis B, Montroni I, Shahrokni A, Rostoft S, Russell M, Mohile SG, Suwanabol PA, Lightner A, Poylin V, Paquette IM, Feingold DL: The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Clinical Practice Guidelines for the perioperative evaluation and management of frailty among older adults undergoing colorectal surgery Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 65 (4): 473-488,2022.
Tong J, Brooks ES, Mavroudis CL, Wirtalla C, Aarons CB, Saur NM, Mahmoud NN, Karakousis GC, Kelz RR: The impact of the Affordable Care Act on surgeon selection amongst colorectal surgery patients American Journal of Surgery 222 (2): 256-261,2021.
Montroni I, Saur NM, Shahrokni A, Suwanabol PA, Chesney TR: Surgical considerations for older adults with cancer: A multidimensional, multiphase pathway to improve care Journal of Clinical Oncology 39 (19): 2090-2101,2021.
Zattoni D, Montroni I, Saur NM, Garutti A, Bacchi Reggiani ML, Ghignone F, Taffurelli G, Ugolini G: Prediction of functional loss in emergency surgery is possible with a simple frailty screening tool World Journal of Emergency Surgery 16 (1): 12,2021.
Soegaard Ballester JM, Goodsell KE, Ermer JP, Karakousis GC, Miura JT, Saur NM, Mahmoud NN, Brooks A, Tchou JC, Gabriel PE, Shulman LN, Wachtel H.: New Operative Reporting Standards: Where We Stand Now and Opportunities for Innovation Ann Surg Oncol : 2021.
Zattoni D, Montroni I, Saur NM, Garutti A, Bacchi Reggiani ML, Galetti C, Calogero P, Tonini V: A simple screening tool to predict outcomes in older adults undergoing emergency general surgery Journal of the American Geriatric Society 67 (2): 309-316,2019.
Saur NM, Montroni I, Shahrokni A, Kunitake H, Potenti FM, Goodacre RC, Davis BR, Carli F: Care of the geriatric colorectal surgical patient and framework for creating a geriatric program: A compendium from the 2019 American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 63 (11): 1489-1495,2020 .
Montroni I, Rostoft S, Spinelli A, Van Leeuwen BL, Ercolani G, Saur NM, Jaklitsch MT, Somasundar PS, de Liguori Carino N, Ghignone F, Foca F, Zingaretti C, Audisio RA, Ugolini G; SIOG surgical task force/ESSO GOSAFE study group: GOSAFE - Geriatric Oncology Surgical Assessment and Functional rEcovery after Surgery: Early analysis on 977 patients Journal of Geriatric Oncology 11 (2): 244-255,2020.
Saur NM, Montroni I, Ghignone F, Ugolini G, Audisio RA: Attitudes of surgeons toward elderly cancer patients: A survey from the SIOG Surgical Task Force Visceral Medicine 33 (4): 262-266,2017.
Montroni I, Ugolini G, Saur NM, Spinelli A, Rostoft S, Millan M, Wolthuis A, Daniels IR, Hompes R, Penna M, Fürst A, Papamichael D, Desai AM, Cascinu S, Gèrard JP, Myint AS, Lemmens VEPP, Berho M, Lawler M, De Liguori Carino N, Potenti F, Nanni O, Altini M, Beets G, Rutten H, Winchester D, Wexner SD, Audisio RA.: Personalized management of elderly patients with rectal cancer: Expert recommendations of the European Society of Surgical Oncology, European Society of Coloproctology, International Society of Geriatric Oncology, and American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 44 (11): 1685-1702,2018.
Academic Contact Information
Department of Colorectal Surgery
University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Hospital
Penn Medicine Washington Square
800 Walnut St. 20th Floor
Phone: 215-829-5333
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366