Selected Publications
Singh P, Agnese DM, Amin M, Barrio AV, van den Bruele AB, Burke EE, Danforth DN Jr, Dirbas FM, Eladoumikdachi F, Fayanju OM, Kantor O, Kumar S, Lee MC, Matsen C, Nguyen TT, Ozmen T, Park KU, Plichta JK, Reyna C, Showalter SL, Styblo T, Tranakas N, Weiss A, Woodfin A, Laronga C, Boughey JC.: Society of Surgical Oncology Breast Disease Site Working Group Statement on Bilateral Risk-Reducing Mastectomy: Indications, Outcomes, and Risks Ann Surg Oncol 32 (2): 899-911,2025.
Fayanju OM, Haut ER, Itani K.: Practical Guide to Clinical Big Data Sources JAMA Surg : 2025.
Khubchandani JA, Suttiratana SC, Washington R, White-Bracey D, Kc M, Silber A, Fayanju OM, Butler PD, Menon A, Greenup RA: Living Flat: Stories from Women of Color After Mastectomy Annals of Surgical Oncology 32 (1): 104-114,2025.
Khubchandani JA, Suttiratana SC, Washington R, White-Bracey D, Kc M, Silber A, Fayanju OM, Butler PD, Menon A, Greenup RA: ASO Author Reflections: A Community Partnered Approach to Studying Living Flat After Mastectomy Annals of Surgical Oncology 32 (1): 117-118,2025.
Reddy KP, Jarrell K, Berkowitz C, Hulse S, Elmore LC, Fishman R, Greenup RA, Mateo AM, Rothman JD, Sataloff DM, Tchou JC, Zafar SY, Fayanju OM: Association Between Delayed/Forgone Medical Care and Resource Utilization Among Women with Breast Cancer in the United States Annals of Surgical Oncology : 2024 (Epub).
Loehrer AP, Mirpuri S, Fayanju OM: The Pathology of Poverty: Social Conditions Driving Breast Cancer Inequity at the Level of Tumor Biology Annals of Surgery : 2024 (Epub).
Tortorello GN, Fayanju OM: The Role Surgeons Can Play in Team-Based, Multidisciplinary, Multilevel Efforts to Provide Equitable Care Annals of Surgery 280 (6): 931-932,2024 .
Ginzberg SP, Grady CB, Fayanju OM*, Edmonds CE*: Disparities in the use of preoperative breast magnetic resonance imaging after breast cancer diagnosis JCO Oncology Practice 20 (12): 1705-1713,2024 .
Manik R, Grady CB, Ginzberg SP, Edmonds CE, Conant EF, Hubbard RA, Fayanju OM: Racial Disparities and Strategies for Improving Equity in Diagnostic Follow-Up for Abnormal Screening Mammograms JCO Oncology Practice 20 (10): 1367-1375,2024 .
Partridge AH, Hyslop T, Rosenberg SM, Bennett AV, Drier S, Jonsson M, Shimada A, Li Y, Li Y, Lynch T, Frank E, Collyar D, Basila D, Pinto D, Weiss A, Wolf A, Norris K, Witten M, Boisvert M, Giuliano A, Larson KE, Yost K, McAuliffe PF, Krie A, Tamirisa N, Darai S, Carey L, Thompson A, Hwang ES; COMET Study Consortium.: Patient-Reported Outcomes for Low-Risk Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: A Secondary Analysis of the COMET Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA Oncol : 2024.
Academic Contact Information
Department of Surgery
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street, 4th Floor Silverstein Pvln.
Phone: 215-662-4392
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366