Description of Research Expertise
Dr. Kumar has research expertise in the study of strabismus, including clinical work on the surgical management of nystagmus and associated head posture. She has broad interests in the areas of quality improvement and public health, and has had projects evaluating strategies to minimize healthcare-associated exposure keratopathy, as well as improve referral practices for patients diagnosed with congenital cataracts.
Key Words
Strabismus, amblyopia, retinopathy of prematurity, ocular trauma, anterior segment disease
Selected Publications
Shaikh Aasef G, Otero-Millan Jorge, Kumar Priyanka, Ghasia Fatema F: Abnormal Fixational Eye Movements in Amblyopia. PloS one 11 (3): e0149953,2016.
Kumar Priyanka, Lambert Scott R: Evaluating the evidence for and against the use of IOLs in infants and young children. Expert review of medical devices 13 (4): 381-9,2016.
Kumar P, Lambert SR: Referral basis for infantile cataracts. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. : 2016.
Kumar P, Lambert SR: Long-term follow-up after vertical muscle surgery to correct abnormal vertical head posture. Poster presented at: American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada : 2016.
Kumar P, Sharma S, Baynes K, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Srivasta SK: Analysis of Anterior Chamber Inflammation in Pediatric Uveitis by Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography ARVO Annual Meeting : 2015.
Kumar P, Sears J: Surgical management of choroidal coloboma and morning glory associated retinal detachment ARVO Annual Meeting : 2014.
Kumar P, Srivastava S: HIV patient presents with flashes and blurred vision Ocular Surgery News, Retina 31 (18): 29-30,2013.
Kumar P, Courtney RJ, Baynes K, Lowder CY, Ehlers JP, Rennebohm R, Srivastava SK: Novel angiographic findings in Susac syndrome identified by ultra-widefield imaging technology ARVO Annual Meeting : 2013.
Academic Contact Information
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Department of Ophthalmology