Selected Publications
Litt M, Deo R.: Brugada Syndrome Risk Stratification: Selecting the Population of Interest J Am Coll Cardiol 84 : 2099-2101,2024.
EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group; Herrington WG, Staplin N, Agrawal N, Wanner C, Green JB, Hauske SJ, Emberson JR, Preiss D, Judge P, Zhu D, Dayanandan R, Arimoto R, Mayne KJ, Ng SYA, Sammons E, Hill M, Stevens W, Wallendszus K, Brenner S, Cheung AK, Liu ZH, Li J, Hooi LS, Liu W, Kadowaki T, Nangaku M, Levin A, Cherney DZI, Maggioni AP, Pontremoli R, Deo R, Goto S, Rossello X, Tuttle KR, Steubl D, Massey D, Brueckmann M, Landray MJ, Baigent C, Haynes R.: Long-Term Effects of Empagliflozin in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease N Engl J Med : 2024.
Deo R, Dubin RF, Ren Y, Wang J, Feldman H, Shou H, Coresh, J, Grams ME, Surapaneni AL, Cohen JB, Kansal M, Rahman M, Dobre M, He J, Kelly T, Go AS, Kimmel PL, Vasan RS, Segal MR, Li H, Ganz P: Proteomic Assessment of the Risk of Secondary Cardiovascular Events among Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease
J Am Soc Nephrol : 2024.
Wang S, Rao Z, Cao R, Blaes AH, Coresh J, Deo R, Dubin R, Joshu CE, Lehallier B, Lutsey PL, Pankow JS, Post WS, Rotter JI, Sedaghat S, Tang W, Thyagarajan B, Walker KA, Ganz P, Platz EA, Guan W, Prizment A.: Development, characterization, and replication of proteomic aging clocks: Analysis of 2 population-based cohorts PLoS Med 21 : e1004464,2024.
Mayne KJ, Sardell RJ, Staplin N, Judge PK, Zhu D, Sammons E, Cherney DZI, Green JB, Levin A, Pontremoli R, Hauske SJ, Emberson J, Preiss D, Landray MJ, Baigent C, Wanner C, Haynes R, Herrington WG; EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group.: Empagliflozin lowers serum uric acid in chronic kidney disease: exploratory analyses from the EMPA-KIDNEY trial Nephrol Dial Transplant : 2024.
Yogasundaram H, Papireddy MR, Nazarian S, Guandalini GS, Markman TM, Schaller RD, Riley MP, Lin D, Dixit S, D'Souza B, Kumareswaran R, Callans DJ, Frankel DS, Garcia FC, Zado E, Deo R, Epstein AE, Supple GE, Marchlinski FE, Hyman MC.: Long-term risk of right coronary artery injury after catheter ablation of cavotricuspid isthmus-dependent flutter Heart Rhythm : 2024.
Markman TM, Lin D, Nazarian S, van Niekerk CJ, Mirwais M, Garg L, Bode W, Smietana J, Sugrue A, Patel NA, Patel D, Ha B, Hyman MC, Riley M, Callans DJ, Deo R, Yang R, Schaller RD, Kumareswaran R, Guandalini GS, Epstein AE, Marchlinski FE, Frankel DS.: Intraoperative Pectoral Nerve Blocks During Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Procedures Heart Rhythm : 2024.
Dubin RF, Deo R, Ren Y, Wang J, Pico AR, Mychaleckyj JC, Kozlitina J, Arthur V, Lee H, Shah A, Feldman H, Bansal N, Zelnick L, Rao P, Sukul N, Raj DS, Mehta R, Rosas SE, Bhat Z, Weir MR, He J, Chen J, Kansal M, Kimmel PL, Ramachandran VS, Waikar SS, Segal MR, Ganz P; CRIC Study Investigators.: Incident heart failure in chronic kidney disease: proteomics informs biology and risk stratification Eur Heart J 45 (30): 2752-2767,2024.
Xiao C, Tamura MK, Pan Y, Rao V, Missikpode C, Vlasschaert C, Nakao T, Sun X, Li C, Huang Z, Anderson A, Uddin MM, Kim DK, Taliercio J, Deo R, Bhat Z, Xie D, Rao P, Chen J, Lash JP, He J, Natarajan P, Hixson JE, Yaffe K, Kelly TN; CRIC Study Investigators.: Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential is associated with reduced risk of cognitive impairment in patients with chronic kidney disease Alzheimers Dement : 2024.
Tertulien T, Deo R: Social Determinants of Health and Ventricular Tachycardia JACC Clin Electrophysiol : 2024.
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