Selected Publications
Crossley GH, Sanders P, Hansky B, De Filippo P, Shah MJ, Shoda M, Khelae SK, Richardson T, Philippon F, Zakaib JS, Tse HF, Sholevar DP, Stellbrink C, Pathak RK, Milašinović G, Chinitz JS, Tsang B, West MB, Ramza BM, Han X, Bozorgnia B, Carta R, Geelen T, Himes A, Platner M, Thompson AE, Mason P; Lead EvaluAtion for Defibrillation and Reliability Trial Investigators.: Global LEADR pivotal trial results Heart Rhythm 21 (10): 1914-1922,2024.
Vijayaraman P, Trivedi RS, Koneru JN, Sharma PS, De Pooter J, Schaller RD, Cano Ó, Whinnett ZI, Migliore F, Ponnusamy SS, Skeete JR, Zanon F, Heuverswyn FV, Kolominsky J, Pittorru R, Mumtaz M, Ellenbogen KA, Herweg B.: Transvenous extraction of conduction system pacing leads: An international multicenter (TECSPAM) study Heart Rhythm 21 (10): 1953-1961,2024.
Thind M, Lou Q, Zado ES, Markman TM, Schaller RD, Nazarian S, Frankel DS, Hyman MC, Tschabrunn CM, Marchlinski FE.: Utility of noninvasive electrocardiographic imaging in the localization of nonpulmonary vein triggers of atrial fibrillation determined by pacing common trigger sites J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 35 (9): 1738-1746,2024.
Markman TM, Lin D, Nazarian S, van Niekerk CJ, Mirwais M, Garg L, Bode W, Smietana J, Sugrue A, Patel NA, Patel D, Ha B, Hyman MC, Riley M, Callans DJ, Deo R, Yang R, Schaller RD, Kumareswaran R, Guandalini GS, Epstein AE, Marchlinski FE, Frankel DS.: Intraoperative Pectoral Nerve Blocks During Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Procedures Heart Rhythm 24 : S1547-5271,2024.
Wasiak M, DePietro D, Chaumont C, Oraii A, Schaller R, Supple G, Nazarian S, Garcia F, Trerotola S, Soulen MC, Marchlinski FE, Frankel DS.: Transhepatic Approach for Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Interrupted Inferior Vena Cava Heart Rhythm : 2024.
Oraii A, Chaumont C, Rodriguez-Queralto O, Petzl A, Zado E, Markman TM, Hyman MC, Tschabrunn CM, Enriquez A, Shivamurthy P, Kumareswaran R, Riley MP, Lin D, Supple GE, Garcia FC, Schaller RD, Nazarian S, Frankel DS, Dixit S, Callans DJ, Marchlinski FE.: Incremental Benefit of Stepwise Nonpulmonary Vein Trigger Provocation During Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation JACC Clin Electrophysiol 10 (7 Pt2): 1648-1659,2024.
Chaumont C, Oraii A, Garcia FC, Supple GE, Santangeli P, Kumareswaran R, Dixit S, Markman TM, Schaller RD, Zado ES, Guandalini GS, Lin D, Riley MP, Shivamurthy P, Enriquez A, Epstein AE, Deo R, Nazarian S, Callans DJ, Frankel DS, Anselme F, Marchlinski FE, Hyman MC.: The Safety and Efficacy of Epicardial Carbon Dioxide Insufflation Compared With Conventional Epicardial Access JACC Clin Electrophysiol 10 (7 Pt 2): 1565-1573,2024.
Bourque JM, Chu VH, Mason PK, Schaller RD, Woolley AE, Dorbala S.: Welcoming Discourse on the Approach for Gram-Negative Bacteremia and Candidemia in Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infections Clin Infect Dis 12 : ciae323,2024.
Thind M, Oraii A, Chaumont C, Arceluz MR, Sekigawa M, Yogasundaram H, Sugrue A, Mirwais M, AlSalem AB, Zado ES, Guandalini GS, Markman TM, Deo R, Schaller RD, Dixit S, Epstein AE, Supple GE, Tschabrunn CM, Santangeli P, Callans DJ, Hyman MC, Nazarian S, Frankel DS, Marchlinski FE.: Predictors of nonpulmonary vein triggers for atrial fibrillation: A clinical risk score Heart Rhythm 21 (6): 806-811,2024.
Bourque JM, Birgersdotter-Green U, Bravo PE, Budde RPJ, Chen W, Chu VH, Dilsizian V, Erba PA, Gallegos Kattan C, Habib G, Hyafil F, Khor YM, Manlucu J, Mason PK, Miller EJ, Moon MR, Parker MW, Pettersson G, Schaller RD, Slart RHJA, Strom JB, Wilkoff BL, Williams A, Woolley AE, Zwischenberger BA, Dorbala S.: (18)F-FDG PET/CT and Radiolabeled Leukocyte SPECT/CT Imaging for the Evaluation of Cardiovascular Infection in the Multimodality Context: ASNC Imaging Indications (ASNC I(2)) Series Expert Consensus Recommendations From ASNC, AATS, ACC, AHA, ASE, EANM, HRS, IDSA, SCCT, SNMMI, and STS JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 17 (6): 669-701,2024.
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