Selected Publications
Scott Snyder: Advanced Symptom Management in Gynecologic Malignancy Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Gynecologic Oncology Academic Conference : 2023.
Scott Snyder: Practical Geriatrics Naval Medical Center San Diego Internal Medicine Noon Conference, San Diego, CA : 2023.
Halima Amjad, Scott H Snyder, Jennifer L Wolff, Esther Oh, Quincy M Samus: Before Hospice: Symptom Burden, Dementia, and Social Participation in the Last Year of Life PubMed : 1106-1114,2022.
Scott Snyder: Remembering What Matters - Dementia Evaluation and Management in Primary Care San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC) Primary Care Lunch and Learn Series : 2022.
Wiesenthal, A, Snyder, Scott: Serving those who serve, a new frontlines of palliative care Poster session presented at American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Annual Assembly - Virtual : 2022.
Scott Snyder: Help! My patient isn't eating! National Capital Region Speech Language Pathology Grand Rounds : 2021.
Davani, Arman B; Snyder, Scott H; Oh, Esther S; Mears, Simon C; Crews, Deidra C; Wang, Nae‐Yuh; Sieber, Frederick E: Kidney Function Modifies the Effect of Intraoperative Opioid Dosage on Postoperative Delirium Journal of American Geriatrics Society 69 (1): 191-196,2021.
Scott Snyder: Section Editor: Caring for Older Persons with COVID-19. DOD COVID-19 Practice Management Guide. : 2021.
Bagley, P, Goldenberg, B, Snyder, Scott: If it ain't broke, fit it? Bilateral pelvic insufficiency fractures following external beam radiation and the role of biphosphate therapy Poster session presented at Maryland American Collee of Physicians Meeting in Baltimore, MD : 2020.
Scott Snyder: Dementia for the Internist, Remembering what matters Staff Noon Conference, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center : 2020.
Academic Contact Information
Penn Medicine Radnor - Geriatrics
145 King of Prussia Road
Patient appointments: 800-789-7366