headshot of Sunita D Nasta, MD

Sunita D Nasta, MD (She/Her/Hers)

5.0 with 720 ratings

Sees patients age 18 and up

  • Chair, Clinical Trials Review Monitoring Committee
  • Committee Chair, Penn Institutional Review Board
  • Section Chief, Lymphoma, Hematology-Oncology
  • Professor of Clinical Medicine (Hematology-Oncology)
  • Dr. Nasta is a Penn Medicine physician.

Meet Dr. Nasta

Dr Sunita Nasta has been working for a cure for lymphoma for over 20 years at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Patients and their families are the core of the battle. Working one patient at a time, she has taken her findings from the bedside back to her collaborators in the labs. From personalized diagnostics which find the specific mutations that drive lymphoma to the deficits that prevents the immune system from reacting to cancer to the challenges of survivors, she has seen the landscape change. While the war is not won, she knows that  each battle fought is one step closer. She is also a regional/national expert in the management of patients with Castleman disorder and Histiocytic disorders.

Recognized by America's Top Doctors, 2015 – 2017

Recognized in Philadelphia magazine's annual Top Docs issues, 2018 - 2024

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