Selected Publications
Jang Y, Oh S, Hall AJ, Zhang Z, Tropea TF, Chen-Plotkin A, Rosenthal LS, Dawson TM, Na CH, Pantelyat AY.: Biomarker discovery in progressive supranuclear palsy from human cerebrospinal fluid Clin Proteomics 21 : 56,2024.
Cook L, Verbrugge J, Schwantes-An TH, Schulze J, Foroud T, Hall A, Marder KS, Mata IF, Mencacci NE, Nance MA, Schwarzschild MA, Simuni T, Bressman S, Wills AM, Fernandez HH, Litvan I, Lyons KE, Shill HA, Singer C, Tropea TF, Arroyave NV, Carbonell J, Vicioso RC, Katus L, Quinn JF, Hodges PD, Meng Y, Strom SP, Blauwendraat C, Lohmann K, Casaceli C, Rao SC, Galvelis KG, Naito A, Beck JC, Alcalay RN.: Parkinson's disease variant detection and disclosure: PD GENEration, a North American study Brain 147 : 2668-2679,2024.
Brody EM, Seo Y, Suh E, Amari N, Hartstone WG, Skrinak RT, Zhang H, Diaz-Ortiz ME, Weintraub D, Tropea TF, Van Deerlin VM, Chen-Plotkin AS.: GPNMB Biomarker Levels in GBA1 Carriers with Lewy Body Disorders Mov Disord 39 (6): 1065-1070,2024.
Nance M, Phillips O, Tropea TF.: Hope vs. Hype II: It is time to offer pre-symptomatic genetic testing for GBA and LRRK2 variants Parkinsonism Relat Disord : 2024.
James JG, Wechsler LR, Blum CA, Bae CJ, Tropea TF.: Provider Impressions of Inpatient Teleneurology Consultation Neurol Clin Pract 14 (3): e200296,2024.
Cousins KAQ, Phillips JS, Das SR, O'Brien K, Tropea TF, Chen-Plotkin A, Shaw LM, Nasrallah IM, Mechanic-Hamilton D, McMillan CT, Irwin DJ, Lee EB, Wolk DA.: Pathologic and cognitive correlates of plasma biomarkers in neurodegenerative disease Alzheimers Dement 20 (6): 3889-3905,2024.
Tropea TF, Hartstone W, Amari N, Baum D, Rick J, Suh E, Zhang H, Paul RA, Han N, Zack R, Brody EM, Albuja I, James J, Spindler M, Deik A, Aamodt WW, Dahodwala N, Hamedani A, Lasker A, Hurtig H, Stern M, Weintraub D, Vaswani P, Willis AW, Siderowf A, Xie SX, Van Deerlin V, Chen-Plotkin AS.: Genetic and phenotypic characterization of Parkinson's disease at the clinic-wide level NPJ Parkinsons Dis 10 : 97,2024.
Kannarkat GT, Zack R, Skrinak RT, Morley JF, Davila-Rivera R, Arezoumandan S, Dorfmann K, Luk K, Wolk DA, Weintraub D, Tropea TF, Lee EB, Xie SX, Chandrasekaran G, Lee VM, Irwin D, Akhtar RS, Chen-Plotkin AS.: α-Synuclein Conformations in Plasma Distinguish Parkinson's Disease from Dementia with Lewy Bodies bioRxiv : 2024.
Arezoumandan S, Cousins KAQ, Ohm DT, Lowe M, Chen M, Gee J, Phillips JS, McMillan CT, Luk KC, Deik A, Spindler MA, Tropea TF, Weintraub D, Wolk DA, Grossman M, Lee V, Chen-Plotkin AS, Lee EB, Irwin DJ.: Tau maturation in the clinicopathological spectrum of Lewy body and Alzheimer's disease Ann Clin Transl Neurol 11 (3): 673-685,2024.
Baldwin A, Copeland J, Azage M, Dratch L, Johnson K, Paul RA, Amado DA, Baer M, Deik A, Elman LB, Guo M, Hamedani AG, Irwin DJ, Lasker A, Orthmann-Murphy J, Quinn CC, Tropea TF, Scherer SS, Shinohara RT, Hamilton RH, Ellis CA.: Disparities in Genetic Testing for Neurologic Disorders Neurology 102 : e209161,2024.
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